Found problem with and perl5.000


Mon, 01 May 1995 20:03:13 EDT

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Several people have reported a problem when running with
perl5.000, in which replaces each line in its config file
with the first one. Tests have shown that it is a bug in perl5.000,
which is documented and fixed in version 5.001 (i.e., patchlevel 1 of
perl5). (In particular, it appears to be the bug reported in the
perl5.001 documentation as "NETaa13033: goto pushed a bogus scope on
the context stack," affecting some or all of the "goto nextone"
operations in the file by corrupting the value of $idname.)

A simple workaround has not presented itself, though I may continue to
try to find one. In any case, upgrading to perl5.001 (which,
according to its documentation, also fixes over 200 other bugs) is a
much better and more robust solution. The script also
runs properly under perl4; recall that if you change from perl4 to
perl5, you must also upgrade to PATCHLEVEL 10 of

- Pam Greene, one of the faq-maintainers and -announce list admins

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