FAQ-Server bug?


Michael Current (mcurrent@carleton.edu)
Fri, 14 Jul 1995 12:10:04 -0500

I seem to have a problem. The faq-server, which I've been happily and
nearly problem-freely using for quite a while, has suddenly decided it
wants to truncate all lines of my FAQ at the 70th column. It puts an "="
there, then puts the remainder of the line at the beginning of the next

To see for yourself, the Archive-name is atari-8-bit/faq. Pretty ugly, no?

This problem appears to be a function of the length of my FAQ, which has
always creeped in length, and now stands at about 80K. I say this because
today I fed the server a test short version of my FAQ, and voila, no
problems. I re-fed it the full file, and the truncated lines returned.
(Observations made using the "status" command.)

Other Weird Symptom: I have one area in my FAQ that includes strings of
equal signs, like "=========". Along with the truncation problem, the
server changes such strings of equal signs to "=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D". This also
went away when I tried the short version test.

Are others aware of such behavior by the FAQ-Server? Is this a known bug?
Any work-arounds? Help!


Michael Current, Keeper of the 8-Bit Atari FAQ & Vendor/Developer Lists
Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIGOp: aa700 / mailto:mcurrent@carleton.edu

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