Re: Seth Godin's Best of the Net


Bill Keyes aka the Ferret-Meister (bkeyes@lamar.ColoState.EDU)
Thu, 6 Jul 1995 22:43:04 -0600 (MDT)

Tim Pierce writes:
> I think I've written about this before. Godin also
> published a little gem called "E-mail Addresses of the Rich
> and Famous," in which he got most of his facts and half of
> the actual addresses wrong. I tried to send him mail at his
> CompuServe address to complain, but, of course, it bounced.
> I think it's time I sent a complaint to the publisher.

I went back to the bookstore, and found his email address in the book.
If anyone wants to contact him, it's the publisher didn't
list an email address though.


* Bill Keyes /\ * *
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