LameTeX for maintaining FAQ


Jonathan Monsarrat (
Thu, 26 Jan 1995 11:31:09 -0500

Hi! This is Jonathan Monsarrat writing to you from Brown University.

I'm the author of LameTeX. I just wanted to let you know that
there's a new version of LameTeX that fixes the left margin bug.

I'm very grateful to Andrew Henry for setting up a description of
LameTeX and how to use it.

In my defense, I should mention that LameTeX's original purpose was
cool PostScript hacking. I never intended it for LaTeX -> ASCII
translation, but I'm glad it's been useful for that purpose to people.

I don't support LameTeX any more, but if you'd like to pick it up,
mail me and I'll show you the ropes.

You can ftp the new version from

Here's a description of the program, in case you've never heard of it.

%! Jon Monsarrat moderator, comp.sources.postscript %!
9 9 scale 9 9 moveto(qll-??LHHL??llH?hH7t,7olCAHH@){dup 10 mul rotate 80 lt{4 0
rlineto}{4 0 rmoveto}ifelse}forall stroke showpage


can convert simple LaTeX to PostScript or to ASCII.

It specializes in complete versatility of the printed page. The
standard model for text formatters is that every page is
necessarily rectangular. LameTeX will let you format text inside
a triangular page, or a circle page. Just like professional
magazine editors, you can include pictures of any shape and ask
the text to flow around them or inside them.

These flexible arbitrarily-shaped margins are PostScript paths.
If you don't know PostScript, it contains a big library of
interesting LameTeX page margins. With LameTeX you can fit
several ``pages'' onto one 8.5x11 inch piece of paper, so you can
easily make index cards, labels, and half-pages of text.

Also, if you know how to write programs in PostScript, LameTeX
allows you to very tightly integrate your LameTeX commands with
your PostScript code. In fact, the PostScript that LameTeX
outputs is nicely formatted and commented so that you can modify
it yourself and see how it's done. LameTeX is written with
PostScript version 1, so it should run on all PostScript

Finally, everything about LameTeX is set up to be compatible with
LaTeX. LameTeX can't do everything that LaTeX can, but the
special stealth commands guarantee that your fancy LameTeX
document can be processed by normal LaTeX. This allows you to
share it with anyone who doesn't happen to have LameTeX.

LameTeX is in use for Usenet FAQs for comp.lang.postscript,
comp.sources.postscript, comp.text.tex, comp.fonts, alt.quotations,, and comp.os.linux.

By Jon Monsarrat,

Converts-LaTeX-to-PostScript, Text-Formatter,


UNIX, any C++ platform


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