Auto-reply system to be installed soon...


Fri, 17 Feb 1995 21:37:51 -0500

Sometime in the next week, we'll be activating an auto-replier for the
*.answers moderator addresses (news-answers, news-answers-request) as
well as the faq-maintainers and -announce administrative addresses
(faq-maintainers-request, faq-maintainers-announce-request).

We'll have performed some testing on it before activating it, but
there may (OK, there will :) still be some bugs. If you send a
message in the normal course of things to those addresses and the
auto-reply message comes back "wrong" somehow, please notify us.

Ping Huang, member of the *.answers moderation team

P.S. Note the Reply-To has been set to faq-maintainers.

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