Can arrange one-sided gateway distribution?


Roger Burns (
Sun, 12 Feb 1995 16:05:26 -0500 (EST)

I have a gatewayed group (newsgroup <=> Listserv mailing list) which is
moderated by the Listserv, and on the Listserv side there is automatic
archiving of messages. I wish to post a very long FAQ for the newsgroup
readers to see, but I don't wish for that long FAQ to be regularly posted
to the mailing list because I don't wish for the archives to be filled
with a long, repeated document.

I have two questions:

(1) Is there a way in which I can get the to post
the FAQ to the newsgroup without having the Listserv send it to the
mailing list (and thus auto-archiving it)? (I'm looking for some
*automated* way to set up this newsgroup-only distribution while keeping
the automated gateway to Listserv otherwise intact.)

(2) If not, then does anyone know whether news-answers-request would
allow an FAQ to be posted just to *.answers and *not* to the originating
newsgroup? If so, I could refer my newsgroup readers to the long FAQ at
news.answers which does not appear in our local group.

Please cc your replies to my private address, since I am not subscribed to
this group. Thank you for any help!

-- Roger Burns

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