Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya

Al-Jama'A Al-Islamiyyah Al-Muqatilah Bi-Libya

Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya also operates as, or is known as, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Fighting Islamic Group, Libyan Fighting Group, and/or Libyan Islamic Group.

Emerged in 1995 among Libyans who had fought against Soviet forces in Afghanistan, the organization declared the government of Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi un-Islamic and pledged to overthrow it. Some members maintain a strictly anti-Qadhafi focus and organize against Libyan government interests, but others are aligned with Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda (also frequently spelled al-Qaida) organization or are active in the international mujahidin network. Al-Jama'a claimed responsibility for a failed assassination attempt against Qadhafi in 1996 and engaged Libyan security forces in armed clashes during the mid to late 1990s. Currently, the organization engages in few armed attacks against Libyan interests either in Libya or abroad.

Al-Jama'a, operates in Libya, but since late 1990s many members have fled to various Middle Eastern and European countries. The group obtains some funding through private donations, various Islamic non-governmental organizations, and criminal acts.



CDI (Center for Defense Information), Terrorism Project. CDI Fact Sheet: Current List of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations. March 27, 2003. < > (April 17, 2003).

Central Intelligence Agency. World Factbook, 2002. < > (April 16, 2003).

Taylor, Francis X. U.S. Department of State. "Patterns of Global Terrorism 2001," Annual Report: On the record briefing. May 21, 2002 < > (April 17,2003).

U.S. Department of State. Annual reports. < > (April 16, 2003).


Terrorism, Philosophical and Ideological Origins
Terrorist and Para-State Organizations
Terrorist Organization List, United States
Terrorist Organizations, Freezing of Assets

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