About the Authors

This primer on quantum physics was written by Thomas A. Haberkern and N Deepak as a collaborative effort via the Internet. They have equally shared the job of writing the ten chapters which comprise this book. Additionally, HTML formatting and final touches were given by Deepak.

Thomas Haberkern currently offers computer support at St. Louis, MO USA, where he stays.  Educated in St. Louis and Rome, Italy, Thomas is a voracious reader, and has profound knowledge and interest in a wide range of topics, theoretical physics being one of them.  Thomas is 35, and single.

You can contact Thomas at: tomhaberkern@yahoo.com.

Deepak is a student of computer science and engineering at Bangalore, India, currently in the seventh semester.  He too loves to read books, and the idea for this work was suggested by him after a short e-mail discussion with Thomas on this matter.  Deepak is 20, and it is illegal not to be single at this age in India.

You can write to Deepak at: deepak@despammed.com.  Home page on the WWW: www.symonds.net/~deep

The authors welcome your suggestions, comments, and criticism.  They also seek contributions from you in the form of illustrations and content, as this is a non-commercial, free-for-all project, intended only to educate the interested and the curious.  Please feel free to contact us if you think you could help us.

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