14Chapter1 • Introduction to Software Development
There may be other factors as well and you are the best person to judge what you need.
However, keep in mind that reliability of hardware is one major factor that people usually over-
look. If you buy cheap systems that decrease productivity of developers, you lose a lot of money.
1.4Selection Criteria for Software Development Tools
After selecting the hardware, software development tools are the next major initial expense in
terms of money and time to set these up. Selection of software development tools depends upon
the choice of hardware and operating system. In many cases GNU tools are very well suited.
Selection of development tools also has a major effect on the productivity of the whole develop-
ment team.
1.5Managing Development Process
In large software development projects, management of the development process is a big task
and a dedicated person may be needed to take care of this aspect of the project. A development
manager usually acts as a binding and coordinating force among different parties with conflict-
ing interests. These parties include:
•Marketing and sales people who put forward requirements, change requirements and
come up with new requirements, usually when much of the work is already done!
•Architecture and design people.
•Software developers who always think that they always have less amount of time.
•Release management people.
•Software testers.
•Documentation writers.
•Senior managers who often push to complete the project earlier than the deadline.
Coordinating all of these parties is not an easy task. The manager has to convince senior
management that a new feature needs that much time for development. At the same time he has
to push developers to meet the deadlines. Some of the important tasks of software management
in a real-life project are as follows.
1.5.1Creating Deadlines
The manager usually coordinates with the software developers to set reasonable dead-
lines for certain features. These deadlines must conform to the product delivery time lines.
The manager may have to arrange additional resources to complete feature development in the
allotted time.
Project management software can help a manager to set and meet deadlines and track
completion of different components.
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