Table Borders: All Three Border Color Attributes At Once

Netscape and MSIE both recognize BORDERCOLOR, but currently only MSIE recognizes BORDERCOLORLIGHT and BORDERCOLORDARK. However, you can use all three at once because MSIE ignores BORDERCOLORLIGHT and BORDERCOLORDARK if it finds BORDERCOLOR. You can use this feature to get a little more control over the border colors than if you use just one or two of those attributes.

For example, this code says that the overall border color is blue, but also specifies that the light portion is a light blue and the dark portion is regular blue:

<TR> <TD>blah blah blah</TD>     <TD>yeah yeah yeah</TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD>whatever whatever</TD>  <TD>right on!</TD> </TR>

which gives us this table

blah blah blah yeah yeah yeah
whatever whatever right on!

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