Rollover Images: The Tag
Now we add the code which puts the image on the page. The rollover is created with an <A ...> and an <IMG ...> tag:
Code For A Single Rollover |
Rollover |
onMouseOver = "rollover('home')"
onMouseOut = "rollout('home')"
ALT="Home Page" BORDER=0
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
Most of the code for these two tags is like normal links and images, but each of the tags have some extra information. <IMG SRC="..."> should be set the image to display when the mouse is not over.
The <A ...> tag has onMouseOver and onMouseOut attributes. onMouseOver calls the rollover() function, which sets the image for when the mouse is over. onMouseOut calls
rollout() , which sets the image for when the mouse is not over.
rollover() and rollout() each take one parameter: the name of the image. Note that the name of the image should be in single quotes.
The <IMG ...> tag has one extra attribute. We name the image
with NAME="home" . Each rollover on the page should have a unique name. The scripts use this unique name to refer to the image and change its properties as the mouse moves over and out.
Finally, we follow the <IMG ...> tag with a short JavaScript. The script has only one command:
setrollover("../graphics/home_over.gif"); . This command sets the source of the image to display when the mouse moves over the image. Note that the script should follow immediately after the <IMG ...> tag. (If putting the script there looks messy to you, in the next page we'll show you how to load the mouseover images all at once at the top of the page.)