background image
cers and one of the firefighters in the North Tower, at least some FDNY personnel were unwilling to take evacu-
ation orders from police that morning.
209. Based on more than 100 interviews we conducted and our review of 500 internal FDNY interview tran-
scripts, we conclude that out of these 32 companies, all on-duty members of 19 companies are likely to have known
to evacuate (Engine Companies 1, 4, 7, 9, 15, 16, 21, 24, 28, 33, 39, and 65; Ladder Companies 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 110; and
Rescue 1).We also conclude that at least some members of each of five companies knew to evacuate (two firefight-
ers from Ladder Company 10; the officer of Ladder Company 20; all but the officer of Engine Company 10; at
least two firefighters from Squad 18; and at least three firefighters from Engine 6).We do not know whether mem-
bers of the eight other companies knew to evacuate (Engine Companies 55, 207, and 226; Rescue 2, 3, and 4; Haz-
mat 1; and Squad 1) because they all died, and we have come across no on-point eyewitness accounts related to
their operations. It is very possible that at least some of these firefighters did hear the evacuation order but never-
theless failed to evacuate in the only 29-minute period between the collapse of the two towers. In addition, it is
possible that several of the eight companies for which we have no record of their receiving evacuation instructions
were in the South Tower and thus died in its earlier collapse.
210. Eric Lipton,"A New Weapon for Firefighters," New York Times, May 30, 2004, p. 27.
10 Wartime
1.All times are Eastern Daylight Time. Sometime around 10:30, after the decision had already been made not
to return to Washington, a reported threat to "Angel"--the code word for Air Force One--was widely dissemi-
nated in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) and aboard Air Force One. Notes from the morn-
ing indicate that Vice President Cheney informed President Bush in a phone conversation shortly after 10:30 that
an anonymous threat had been phoned into the White House that was viewed as credible.At about the same time,
news of the threat was conveyed on the air threat conference call.
The Secret Service's Intelligence Division tracked down the origin of this threat and, during the day, deter-
mined that it had originated in a misunderstanding by a watch officer in the White House Situation Room.The
director of the White House Situation Room that day disputes this account. But the Intelligence Division had the
primary job of running down the story, and we found their witnesses on this point to be credible. During the after-
noon of September 11 the leadership of the Secret Service was satisfied that the reported threat to "Angel" was
At the White House press briefing on September 12, spokesperson Ari Fleischer described the threat to Air
Force One as "real and credible."White House transcript, Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer, Sept. 12, 2001 (online at Fleischer told us he cited the information
in good faith. Indeed, Fleischer had conferred with Vice President Cheney and Karen Hughes before the briefing,
and they had decided to let people know about the threat, all of them believing it was true.According to Fleischer,
only weeks later did he learn--from press reports--that the threat was unfounded. We have not found any evi-
dence that contradicts his account.Ari Fleischer interview (Apr. 22, 2004); Chuck Green interview (Mar. 10, 2004);
Deborah Loewer meeting (Feb. 6, 2004); Ralph Sigler meeting (May 10, 2004); Andrew Card meeting (Mar. 31,
2004); Edward Marinzel interview (Apr. 21, 2004); Secret Service briefing (Jan. 29, 2004).
2. Edward Marinzel interview (Apr. 21, 2004); USSS memo, interview with Edward Marinzel, Oct. 3, 2001;
President Bush and Vice President Cheney meeting (Apr. 29, 2004); Ari Fleischer interview (Apr. 22, 2004); Deb-
orah Loewer meeting (Feb. 6, 2004);White House record, PEOC Watch Log, Sept. 11, 2001.
3. Commission analysis of Air Force One radar data; Edward Marinzel interview (Apr. 21, 2004); USSS memo,
interview with Edward Marinzel, Oct. 3, 2001; Deborah Loewer meeting (Feb. 6, 2004).
4.White House record, Situation Room Communications Log, Sept. 11, 2001.
5.White House transcript, Rice interview with Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, Oct. 24, 2001, p. 367.
In the interview, Rice also said the President characterized the war as "global in nature." Ibid.
6. See White House transcript, Rice interview with Scott Pelley of CBS, Aug. 2, 2002, p. 408; but see Rice's
statement to Bob Woodward:"In the first video conference, the assumption that everybody kind of shared was that
it was global terrorists. . . . I don't believe anybody said this is likely al Qaeda. I don't think so." White House tran-
script, Rice interview with Bob Woodward, Oct. 24, 2001, p. 367.
7. NSC memo, Summary of Conclusions of Deputies Committee Meeting (held by secure teleconference),
Sept. 11, 2001.
8.The Secretary's decision was broadcast on the air threat conference call at 10:43. A minute later, Secretary
Rumsfeld spoke to the Vice President, and he asked Rumsfeld to run the issue by the President. At 10:45 confer-
ees were told to "hold off " on Defcon 3, but a minute later the order was reinstated. Rumsfeld believed the mat-
ter was urgent and, having consulted DOD directives, concluded he had the authority to issue the order and would
brief the President. Rumsfeld briefed the President on the decision at 11:15. See DOD transcript,Air Threat Con-
ference Call, Sept. 11, 2001; Stephen Cambone interviews (July 8, 2004; July 12, 2004); DOD notes, Stephen Cam-
bone notes, Sept. 11, 2001.
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