background image
Essabar may have been intended to replace Binalshibh. Like Atta, Shehhi, and Jarrah, Essabar obtained a new
passport even though his old one was nearly a year from expiration, evidently to conceal his prior travel to
Afghanistan during the first half of 2000. On December 12, 2000, and January 28, 2001--after Binalshibh's four
U.S. visa applications had been denied--Essabar made two unsuccessful U.S. visa applications, stating that he wished
to visit the United States during the week of February 15, 2001. DOS records, Essabar visa applications, Dec. 12,
2000; Jan. 8, 2001. See Federal Prosecutor General (Germany), response to Commission letter, June 25, 2004, p. 14.
Neither Binalshibh nor Essabar were denied visas based on terrorism concerns.
53. FBI report,"Summary of Penttbom Investigation," Feb. 29, 2004 (classified version), p. 82.
54. For KSM sending Moussaoui to Malaysia, see Intelligence Report, interrogation of KSM, Mar. 24, 2003.
For Moussaoui not finding a flight school, see Intelligence report, interrogation of detainee, Jan. 22, 2002. For the
ammonium nitrate purchase, see Intelligence report, interrogation of detainee,Apr. 9, 2002; Intelligence report, inter-
rogation of detainee,Apr. 12, 2004. For the cargo planes operation, see Intelligence report, interrogation of detainee,
Apr. 12, 2004. For KSM's reaction, see Intelligence Report, interrogation of KSM, Mar. 24, 2003. For Moussaoui's
and Binalshibh's trips and Moussaoui's emails, see FBI report,"Summary of Penttbom Investigation," Feb. 29, 2004
(classified version), p. 85.There are no witnesses who report that Moussaoui and Binalshibh actually met in Lon-
don, but Moussaoui's subsequent travel to Afghanistan implies that he received instructions from Binalshibh. See
ibid., p. 86. Somewhere in his travels, Moussaoui obtained the funds he would bring to the United States. He
declared $35,000 upon arrival on February 23, 2001, and he deposited $32,000 into a Norman, Oklahoma, bank
account on February 26. FBI report,"Summary of Penttbom Investigation," Feb. 29, 2004, p. 78.
55. For Hanjour's entry, see INS record, NIIS record of Hanjour, Oct. 3, 1991. For his university studies, see
FBI report,"Hijackers Timeline," Dec. 5, 2003 (Oct. 14, 1991, entry citing 265A-NY-280350-PX, serial 3792). For
Hanjour being religious, see FBI letterhead memorandum, Penttbom investigation, Jan. 4, 2004, p. 10. One witness
interviewed by the FBI after 9/11 remembers Hanjour and Nawaf al Hazmi becoming so entranced during a prayer
that both men began to cry. FBI report of investigation, interview of Mourad Jdaini, Sept. 22, 2001. For Hanjour's
trip to Afghanistan, his initial studies in the United States, his rejection by the Saudi flight school, and his desire for
flight training in the United States, see Intelligence report, interviews of Saudi hijackers' families, Dec. 22, 2001;
FBI report of investigation, interview of Adnan Khalil, Sept. 29, 2001.
56. For Hanjour's 1996 trip to the United States, see, e.g., FBI report,"Hijackers Timeline," Dec. 5, 2003 (Apr.
1, 1996, entry citing 265A-NT-280350, serial 2746; 265A-NT-280350-302, serial 9130). For his interest in flight
training in Florida and his training in California, see FBI report of investigation, interview of Adnan Khalil, Sep.
14, 2001; FBI report, "Hijackers Timeline," Dec. 5, 2003 (Sept. 3, 1996, entry citing 265A-NY-280350-SF, serial
1847). For his 1996 flight instruction in Arizona and return to Saudi Arabia, see ibid. (Sept. 29, 1996, entry citing
265A-NY-280350-IN, serial 953; Nov. 26, 1996, entry citing INS: 265A-NY-280350-NK). For his return to
Florida, see FBI letterhead memorandum, investigation of Bandar al Hazmi, Jan. 15, 2002. For his 1998 flight train-
ing in Arizona, see FBI report, "Hijackers Timeline," Dec. 5, 2003 (Feb. 2, 1998, entry citing 265A-NY-280350-
IN, serial 4468). For his flight training in Arizona with his two friends, see ibid. (Feb. 24, 2000, entry citing
265A-NY-280530-IN, serial 4468). Hanjour initially was nervous if not fearful in flight training. FBI letterhead
memorandum, investigation of Lotfi Raissi, Jan. 4, 2004, p. 11. His instructor described him as a terrible pilot. FBI
letterhead memorandum, interview of James McRae, Sept. 17, 2001.
We have seen no evidence of a familial relationship between Bandar al Hazmi and hijackers Nawaf al Hazmi
and Salem al Hazmi.Tim T. interview (Jan. 5, 2004); Ken Williams interview (May 11, 2004). Bandar al Hazmi claims
he met Hanjour in Florida, as they were both studying at the same English-language institute. FBI letterhead mem-
orandum, investigation of Bandar al Hazmi, Jan. 15, 2002. Rayed Abdullah, who knew Bandar al Hazmi from high
school, says he moved to Florida to become a commercial pilot after speaking with Bandar al Hazmi, and claims
he met Hanjour upon arriving in Florida. FBI report of investigation, interview of Rayed Abdullah, Sept. 15, 2001;
FBI letterhead memorandum, investigation of Abdullah Rayed Abdullah, Nov. 16, 2001, p. 8.This account is not
credible, because Abdullah arrived in the United States on November 15, 1997, the day before Hanjour arrived. Ken
Williams interview (May 11, 2004); FBI report,"Hijackers Timeline," Dec. 5, 2003 (citing 265A-NY-280350-NK,
serial 1379).The three of them did attend language school together but not until after all three had arrived in the
United States. FBI report of investigation, interview of Rayed Abdullah, Sept. 15, 2001. The Phoenix FBI office
remains suspicious of Abdullah and Hazmi and their association with Hanjour. Ken Williams interview (May 11,
2004). (Williams is the FBI agent who authored what is referred to as the "Phoenix memo," discussed in chapter 8.)
For Hanjour obtaining his pilot's license in three months, see FBI report of investigation, interview of Amro
Hassan, Sept. 17, 2001, p. 2. For Hanjour receiving his commercial pilot's license, see FBI report,"Hijackers Time-
line," Dec. 5, 2003 (Apr. 15, 1999, entry citing 265A-NY-280350-PX, serial 334). For Hanjour's apparent return to
Saudi Arabia, see ibid. (Apr. 28, 1999, entry citing INS I-94, 265A-NY-280350-NK, serial 1379). Bandar al Hazmi
continued his training at Arizona Aviation with intermittent trips home to Saudi Arabia, before departing the United
States for the last time in January 2000. Tim T. interview (Jan. 5, 2004); FBI report of investigation, interview of
Amro Hassan, Sept. 19, 2001. Rayed Abdullah trained at Arizona Aviation and obtained a private pilot's license in
December 1998. FBI letterhead memorandum, investigation of Rayed Abdullah, May 5, 2001, p. 9. Abdullah then
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