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place Bayoumi in Thumairy's circle of associates. KSM has denied knowing Bayoumi. Intelligence report, interro-
gation of KSM, Aug. 18, 2003.
Bayoumi was once the subject of an FBI counterterrorism investigation, prompted by allegations about him
that appear to have been groundless. On the closing of the investigation, see FBI electronic communication,"Omar
Ahmed Al Bayoumi," June 7, 1999. Another possible source of suspicion is his passport, which contains a cachet
that intelligence investigators associate with possible adherence to al Qaeda. It is a marking that can be obtained
by especially devout Muslims. Although we believe the marking suggests the need for further inquiry, it is not the
kind of fraudulent manipulation that would conclusively link the document with a terrorist organization. INS
records, copy of Bayoumi passport; CIA analytic report, Al-Qa'ida Travel Issues, CTC 2004-40002H, Nov. 14, 2003,
pp. ii, 18.
20. On Abdullah's assistance to the hijackers, see FBI electronic communication, Abdullah investigation, May
19, 2004. In a post-9/11 interview with law enforcement, Abdullah claimed that Bayoumi specifically asked him
"to be the individual to acclimate the hijackers to the United States, particularly San Diego, California." FBI report
of investigation, interview of Mohdar Abdullah, July 23, 2002. Bayoumi, however, denies even introducing Hazmi
and Mihdhar to Abdullah, much less asking him to assist them. Omar al Bayoumi interview (Oct. 16­17, 2003).
21. FBI report of investigation, interview of Mohdar Abdullah, July 23, 2002; FBI electronic communication,
"Osama Bassnan," Oct. 17, 2001; FBI report of investigation, interview of Mohdar Abdullah, Sept. 22, 2001; FBI
electronic communication, "Shareef Abdulmuttaleb el Arbi," Feb. 4, 2003. For the possibility of the notebook
belonging to someone else, see FBI report, Behavioral Analysis Activity, Oct. 4, 2001.
22. FBI electronic communication, interview of Charles Sabah Toma, May 18, 2004.
23. On Abdullah's claims of advance knowledge, see FBI electronic communication, interview, May 17, 2004.
On Abdullah's telephone use after August 25, 2001, and acting strangely, see FBI report of investigation, interview,
Sept. 24, 2001; FBI report of investigation, interview of Mohdar Abdullah, July 23, 2002; Danny G. interviews (Nov.
18, 2003; May 24, 2004).
24.The hijackers' mode of transportation and the exact date of their arrival in San Diego are not known. On
their locating Bayoumi on February 4 and his assistance, see Richard L. Lambert prepared statement, June 26, 2003,
pp. 6­7; Omar al Bayoumi interview (Oct. 16­17, 2003); FBI report of investigation, interview of Omar al Bay-
oumi, Aug. 4­5, 2003.The rental application states that Hazmi and Mihdhar resided in Bayoumi's apartment from
January 15 to February 2, 2000, but Bayoumi denies it, and we have found no reason to dispute his denial.Accord-
ing to Bayoumi, he was in such a hurry to complete the rental transaction that he signed the application form with-
out reading it. Bayoumi also denies receiving any money from Hazmi or Mihdhar for helping them with the
apartment. Omar al Bayoumi interview (Oct. 16­17, 2003). On opening an account, see FBI report,"Summary of
Penttbom Investigation," Feb. 29, 2004, p. 12.
Contrary to highly publicized allegations, we have found no evidence that Hazmi or Mihdhar received money
from another Saudi citizen, Osama Bassnan.
25. Omar al Bayoumi interview (Oct. 16­17, 2003).According to Bayoumi, he originally intended to hold the
party at his own apartment, but moved it to the hijackers' apartment when one of the guests created an awkward
social circumstance by bringing his wife; Bayoumi solved the problem by having the friend's wife stay with his own
wife in Bayoumi's apartment and moving the party to the hijackers' residence. Bayoumi maintains that a visiting
sheikh was the party's principal honoree. Ibid. Although Bin Don has recalled that the party was intended to wel-
come Hazmi and Mihdhar to the community, this is belied by the hijackers' apparent decision to sequester them-
selves in the back room, and by the account of another party attendee. Caysan Bin Don interview (Apr. 20, 2004);
Khalid Abdulrab al Yafai interview (Feb. 24, 2004). Of the two operatives, only Mihdhar appears briefly on the
video shot by Bin Don. Bayoumi videotape of party (provided by the FBI).
26. On the hijackers' efforts to relocate, see Omar al Bayoumi interview (Oct. 16­17, 2003); Interview (Apr.
23, 2004); FBI report,"San Diego Brief to 9/11 Commission," June 26, 2003, p. 17.Telephone records indicate that
on February 9 and February 14, 2000, Bayoumi's cell phone was used to call the landlord of the operatives' acquain-
tance, Hashim al Attas, who had decided to vacate his apartment. On February 15, 2000, when the landlord returned
a page from Bayoumi's cell phone, Hazmi answered the phone. Steve O. interview (Nov. 17, 2003); FBI report of
investigation, interview of George Harb, Oct. 30, 2001. Hazmi and Mihdhar appear to have used Bayoumi's cell
phone until telephone service (subscribed in Hazmi's name) was installed in their apartment.
27. FBI report of investigation, interview of George Harb, Sept. 16, 2001.The hijackers may actually have lived
in Attas's apartment for a short while. Bayoumi has stated that he recalls hearing that Hazmi and Mihdhar moved
into the apartment for two weeks but then returned to their original apartment while Bayoumi was in Washing-
ton, D.C. FBI report of investigation, interview of Omar al Bayoumi,Aug. 4­6, 2003.This account is confirmed by
Attas's girlfriend, who recalls that Attas met Mihdhar and Hazmi either through friends or at the mosque, and that
the pair moved into Attas's apartment for approximately two weeks before moving out and taking Attas's furnish-
ings with them. FBI report,"San Diego Brief to 9/11 Commission," June 26, 2003, p. 18.
28. Interview (Apr. 23, 2004). Hazmi and Mihdhar did not officially vacate their first apartment until May 31,
2000. FBI report,"Hijackers Timeline," Nov. 14, 2003 (citing 265A-NY-280350-SD, serial 1445).The exact details
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