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Recommendation: The U.S. government cannot meet its own obli-
gations to the American people to prevent the entry of terrorists
without a major effort to collaborate with other governments. We
should do more to exchange terrorist information with trusted allies,
and raise U.S. and global border security standards for travel and bor-
der crossing over the medium and long term through extensive inter-
national cooperation.
Immigration Law and Enforcement
Our borders and immigration system, including law enforcement, ought to
send a message of welcome, tolerance, and justice to members of immigrant
communities in the United States and in their countries of origin.We should
reach out to immigrant communities. Good immigration services are one way
of doing so that is valuable in every way--including intelligence.
It is elemental to border security to know who is coming into the country.
Today more than 9 million people are in the United States outside the legal
immigration system.We must also be able to monitor and respond to entrances
between our ports of entry, working with Canada and Mexico as much as pos-
There is a growing role for state and local law enforcement agencies.They
need more training and work with federal agencies so that they can cooperate
more effectively with those federal authorities in identifying terrorist suspects.
All but one of the 9/11 hijackers acquired some form of U.S. identification
document, some by fraud. Acquisition of these forms of identification would
have assisted them in boarding commercial flights, renting cars, and other nec-
essary activities.
Recommendation: Secure identification should begin in the United
States. The federal government should set standards for the issuance
of birth certificates and sources of identification, such as drivers
licenses. Fraud in identification documents is no longer just a prob-
lem of theft. At many entry points to vulnerable facilities, including
gates for boarding aircraft, sources of identification are the last oppor-
tunity to ensure that people are who they say they are and to check
whether they are terrorists.
Strategies for Aviation and Transportation Security
The U.S. transportation system is vast and, in an open society, impossible to
secure completely against terrorist attacks.There are hundreds of commercial
airports, thousands of planes, and tens of thousands of daily flights carrying
more than half a billion passengers a year. Millions of containers are imported
annually through more than 300 sea and river ports served by more than 3,700
cargo and passenger terminals. About 6,000 agencies provide transit services
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