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Although Atta and Hazmi appear to have been in Virginia at about the same
time in early April, they probably did not meet then.Analysis of late April com-
munications associated with KSM indicates that they had wanted to get
together in April but could not coordinate the meeting.
Atta and Hazmi
probably first met in the United States only when Hazmi traveled round-trip
from Newark to Miami between June 19 and June 25.
After he returned to New Jersey, Hazmi's behavior began to closely paral-
lel that of the other hijackers. He and Hanjour, for instance, soon established
new bank accounts, acquired a mailbox, rented cars, and started visiting a gym.
So did the four other hijackers who evidently were staying with them in New
Jersey. Several also obtained new photo identification, first in New Jersey and
then at the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, where Hazmi and Hanjour
had obtained such documents months earlier, likely with help from their Jor-
danian friend, Rababah.
Atta probably met again with Hazmi in early July. Returning from his ini-
tial cross-country surveillance flight, Atta flew into New York. Rather than
return immediately to Florida, he checked into a New Jersey hotel. He picked
up tickets to travel to Spain at a travel agency in Paterson on July 4 before
departing for Fort Lauderdale. Now that the muscle hijackers had arrived, he
was ready to meet with Ramzi Binalshibh for the last time.
The Meeting in Spain
After meeting with Atta in Berlin in January 2001, Binalshibh had spent much
of the spring of 2001 in Afghanistan and Pakistan, helping move the muscle
hijackers as they passed through Karachi. During the Berlin meeting, the two
had agreed to meet later in the year in Kuala Lumpur to discuss the operation
in person again. In late May, Binalshibh reported directly to Bin Ladin at an
al Qaeda facility known as "Compound Six" near Kandahar.
Bin Ladin told Binalshibh to instruct Atta and the others to focus on their
security and that of the operation, and to advise Atta to proceed as planned with
the targets discussed before Atta left Afghanistan in early 2000--the World
Trade Center, the Pentagon, the White House, and the Capitol. According
to Binalshibh, Bin Ladin said he preferred the White House over the Capitol,
asking Binalshibh to confirm that Atta understood this preference. Binalshibh
says Bin Ladin had given the same message to Waleed al Shehri for conveyance
to Atta earlier that spring. Binalshibh also received permission to meet Atta in
Malaysia.Atef provided money for the trip, which KSM would help Binalshibh
arrange in Karachi.
In early June, Binalshibh traveled by taxi from Kandahar to Quetta, Pakistan,
where al Qaeda courier Abu Rahmah took him to KSM.According to Binal-
shibh, KSM provided a plane ticket to Malaysia and a fraudulent Saudi pass-
port to use for the trip. KSM told him to ask Atta to select a date for the attacks.
Binalshibh was to return to Germany and then inform KSM of the date. KSM
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