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Mohamed Atta to join him. On June 2, Atta traveled to the Czech Republic
by bus from Germany and then flew from Prague to Newark the next day.
According to Ramzi Binalshibh,Atta did not meet with anyone in Prague; he
simply believed it would contribute to operational security to fly out of Prague
rather than Hamburg, the departure point for much of his previous interna-
tional travel.
Atta and Shehhi had not settled on where they would obtain their flight
training. In contrast, Ziad Jarrah had already arranged to attend the Florida
Flight Training Center (FFTC) in Venice, Florida. Jarrah arrived in Newark on
June 27 and then flew to Venice. He immediately began the private pilot pro-
gram at FFTC, intending to get a multi-engine license. Jarrah moved in with
some of the flight instructors affiliated with his school and bought a car.
While Jarrah quickly settled into training in Florida, Atta and Shehhi kept
searching for a flight school. After visiting the Airman Flight School in Nor-
man, Oklahoma (where Zacarias Moussaoui would enroll several months later
and where another al Qaeda operative, Ihab Ali, had taken lessons in the mid-
1990s), Atta started flight instruction at Huffman Aviation in Venice, Florida,
and both Atta and Shehhi subsequently enrolled in the Accelerated Pilot Pro-
gram at that school. By the end of July, both of them took solo flights, and by
mid-August they passed the private pilot airman test.They trained through the
summer at Huffman, while Jarrah continued his training at FFTC.
The Hamburg operatives paid for their flight training primarily with funds
wired from Dubai by KSM's nephew,Ali Abdul Aziz Ali. Between June 29 and
September 17, 2000,Ali sent Shehhi and Atta a total of $114,500 in five trans-
fers ranging from $5,000 to $70,000.Ali relied on the unremarkable nature of
his transactions, which were essentially invisible amid the billions of dollars
flowing daily across the globe.
Ali was not required to provide identification
in sending this money and the aliases he used were not questioned.
In mid-September,Atta and Shehhi applied to change their immigration sta-
tus from tourist to student, stating their intention to study at Huffman until
September 1, 2001. In late September, they decided to enroll at Jones Aviation
in Sarasota, Florida, about 20 miles north of Venice. According to the instruc-
tor at Jones, the two were aggressive, rude, and sometimes even fought with
him to take over the controls during their training flights. In early October,
they took the Stage I exam for instruments rating at Jones Aviation and failed.
Very upset, they said they were in a hurry because jobs awaited them at home.
Atta and Shehhi then returned to Huffman.
In the meantime, Jarrah obtained a single-engine private pilot certificate in
early August. Having reached that milestone, he departed on the first of five
foreign trips he would take after first entering the United States. In October,
he flew back to Germany to visit his girlfriend, Aysel Senguen.The two trav-
eled to Paris before Jarrah returned to Florida on October 29. His relationship
with her remained close throughout his time in the United States. In addition
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