
Yet another Linux FAQ

1 About this document.

1.1 This is long! Why should I care to read it anyway?

This document will tell you some basic facts about Linux in general.

It will not tell you everything you need to know, but will help you to help yourself.

So if you are new to Linux it might be a good idea to start your journey here. It wont get much easier.

If you are not interested in reading at all, well good luck, you are going to need it.

1.2 May I make suggestions/corrections/amendments/whatever to this document?

Sure. Send me e-mail and be sure to include (FAQ) in the subject, so it doesn't get lost.

If it sounds reasonable to me, I will add it. If not you may try to convince me.

1.3 I did something exactly as you told me, and it screwed up my system/burned my monitor/killed my cat/etc. May I sue you?

Well sorry about that, but no. I will not be liable for anything in this document. Use it at your own risk.

(By the way this goes for anything you find on the Internet as well)

Disclaimer: No cats were harmed in the making of this FAQ. We did lose one small child, but seeing that nobody liked him it was no big loss.

1.4 Is this document available in other formats/languages?

This document is available for download in html, text, pdf, prc ( palm ebook ), and doc formats from the download page. If you would like to translate this document or put it into a new format contact me. I will help you in any way I possibly can.

1.5 What about updates?

I will try to update this monthly. If it has been updated I will say so in the index.

1.6 You're so smart! May I send you e-mail with some questions?

Thanks for the compliment, but no. My Inbox never suffers from boredom. Ask your questions in one of the many newsgroups about Linux.