Tips for how to find employment

Job hunting isn't what it used to be. Once upon a time, a flashy resume and a nice suit or skirt

got you in the door and behind a desk in no time. However, job hunting in the 21st century has

taken on a whole new look. Here are three things that you should do to find a new job.

Nowadays, there aren't a lot of employers wasting their time with newspaper advertisements.

Classified advertising can be costly and maybe will only focus on one town or city. Many

companies are now utilizing placement agencies. By registering with a placement agency, you

have made yourself available to possibly one hundred different companies and not know it.

Many agencies already have positions in mind after your initial consultation. Some placement

agencies only charge the company who is searching for an applicant and not the applicant

themselves. Keep this in mind when you make your initial call.

Industry leaders are also focusing their attention on the internet. Several web sites have

appeared in the past few years that make a job hunt easier on the hunter and the prey. Both and allow you to create or cut and paste your resume into their

sites. This gives potential employers the opportunity to browse your resume for potential

employees anonymously. This eliminates the perfunctory phone call or mailing in a resume only

to be rejected and have wasted your time. Monster and Careerbuilder also give you the chance

to review possible employer requirements and submit your resume to a specific advertisement.

Second, how does your resume look? Has it been years since it was updated? The resume you

presented back in the late 80's early 90's isn't going to pass the muster now. If you have a

concern that your resume isn't as polished as it should be, hire a professional. Professional

resume writers are now hot commodities and are willing to strain and struggle with the right

wording and look that will get you hired on the spot. These people are well skilled and practiced

and good ones are pricey, but well worth every dime.

Lastly, get a make over. If your suits are from the last decade or your skirts are too big and your

blouses still have shoulder pads, spend some money. There is a whole new professional look out

there and business is picking up on it. If you're not sure, head to the mall and find somebody

who can bring you back in style.

Looking for a job in the 21st century can be a ghastly experience if you're not prepared for it.

But if you've been in the same job for years and haven't gotten ahead, take these tips and make a

break for it. There is a better job, a better you out there. Good luck.


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