Created: 3/16/1962

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Current Intelligence Weekly Summary


central intelligence agency



Meting In Leopoldville between Tshoebe and Adoula--orlgiaally scheduled to begin od ISnot sees likely to bring agreement on Katanga's reintegration into the Congo. Tshombe's position ln relation to Leopoldville has not significantly weakened: his forces, stillumber ofare largely Intact, and he has not been deprived of his financial resources. His position In Ellsabethvllie, might be endangered if he should go too far inAdoula.

Although the meeting may be delayedesult of Adoula's sudden and unexplained trip to CoQuilbatvllle on IS March, there may be somewhen lt ls held, if for no other reason than that Tshombe wants touild-up of pressure among the UN militarythird round" ln Katanga. Government leaders lnnevertheless are not Presidentemmmmmmj

carf-ofishombe" and that "it is Imprudent to count on Tshombe's good faith" suggest that Leopoldville has almost written off the Adoula-Tsbombe meeting before it begins.


of continuing tension between UN and Katangan forces ln which serious Incidents could occur at any time. He believesMinister of Interior Munongo and Foreign Minister Kimba are "clearly up toand probably determined to prevent Tshombe from any reconcl Hat tor. with Leopoldville

The Belgian Union Miniere still hesitates to put any real pressure on Tshombe to come lo an agreement with Adoula on the division of dividends and tax revenues. Only reluctantly.

etter urging Tshombe to make such an agreement. They remain reluctant, however, to make public either tbe letter to Tshombe or any reference to the escrow plan to withhold taxes and dividendspecial fund.


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they are considering moving three battalions to northern Katanga, presumably to guide andnot to supportattempts by Leopoldville to reassert control there.ove would suggest the UN Is not expecting any military

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action around Kllsabethvllle and tnat it has no luedlats plana to try to atation UN forces at Mining centersthe city.

In tbe absence of UNsupport, Adoula's movob to recapture Kongolo lo north-irn Katanga havo cose to s

Frustrated by his and the UN's failure to bring Tahombe to heel, by tbe unwillingness of the Belgian mining interests to get tough with Tshombe, and by tbe UN's refusal to give bis logistic support, Adoulato be thinking sore seriously of seeking helptho UN framework. He reportedly plans to dispatch missions to African and Asian countries to try to arrange for bilateral aid. Tbe form of help be seeks Is not clear, but one idea apparently ls to try to get foreign troops ln the Congo now assigned to the UN placed under Leopoldvllle's control. The chances ofreaction toequest would appear slim at this time. Tbe Congolese missionswill not visit tbebloc, but Moscow hasdirect assistance ln tbe form of aaononic aid andequipment.

Another Indication ofdesire to escape from tbe UN framework ls bis renewal of attempts toongolese air force. If the talks with Tshombe fall to show

good progress, this trend may gain momentum.

Gizenga, the "heir ofontinues in He is said to berepentant and to be"uplifting" literature.

Adoula's dlsmiasal of the radical Cbristophe Gbenye from the Ministry of Interior raised new frictions between radicals and moderates ln the government coalition. For the moment Adoula hasstymied tba formationeftist parliamentary coalition against hia. Gbenye, after having indicated he would leave the government, has accepted the vico prealer-sblp under pressure--possibly only in order toove against hia.

However, Adoula's actions toward Gbenye have raised the threatew dissidentln Stanleyville. and surroundingProvince, although Incomplete administrative and economic chaos, arecontrolled bT Gbenr* supporters,

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T^^Tato February reported that they felt "betrayed" by Adoula, whose close alignment with tbe US and UK wasto Lumumba's policy. General Lundula, who maintains bis headquarters inostensibly remains loyal to Leopoldville, but UN officials doubt that he would be able tonl fafj nipM ,n, any real


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Original document.

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