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Intelligence Memorandum
North Vietnamese Defense Minister Giap's Analysis of the War--II
CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence7
North Vietnam Defense Minister Giap'3 Analysis oi theII
North Vietnamese Defense Minister Vo Nguyen Giap, in the last portion of the first installment of his new analysis of the war, continues his analysis of the US positions in Vietnam. He insistsuick victory in Vietnam is one of the essential components of US military strategy, saying that the US relies on "superior military force and firepower" to achieve victoryshort time." The North Vietnamese military leader maintains that the US has set definite limits on its military objectives in South Vietnam, in an effort to keep the war from interfering with "political, economic, and social life in the US" and with US foreign policy in other parts of the world. Because of this, he predicts that the US will not enlarge the war outside its present boundaries- He also recommends that "world revolutionary people" and "imperialist allies" take advantage of this diversion of US interests to assert their own interests and
The DRV Defense Minister also hopes torowth of political problems between the South Vietnamese Government and the US. Hopefully, he maintains that the "contradictions between the Vietnamese people and the US imperialists and their lackeys are the main contradictions which will determine the failure of the US imperialisms war of aggression". He relies on examples of increased desertion rates from South Vietnamese military forces, and the growing "Americanization"
Note: This memorandum was produced solely by CIA.
It was prepared by the Office of Current Intelligence.
of the fighting effort to illustrate the difficulties the OS faces in this area. Giap confidently predicts that this trend will increase rapidly in the future.
Comments on the remainder of Giap's article will follow as text becomes available.
Original document.
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