Medical Treatment Ava'ilaHXeF INFO 7
AIGON, Vietnam
were told to treat prisoners_of war (POV/'s) yell and "to give them sufficientoldiers could not beat" or JiVsult prisoners. NVA units uphelcTthesc regulations, but local VC militia and guerrillas committed numerous violations. Cadres who violated orders were first demoted and then transferred; soldiers were first criticised and then sent for ro-oducation. ARMYIETNAM"ARVN) POW's were subjected to "thought return" and were released when they were believed to be converted to the "VC"'mode of thinking. Medical" treatment for Allied PCW's on the battlefield consisted of bandaging, injections of Vitamin K to stop bleeding, penicillin injections and blood transfusions.
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unite in VC Military Regionore told, aa ofU.S. POW's well, and to provide then with sufficient foodThe VC had the right torisoner's weapon, butpersonal belongingsist was made in order to ansureItens were returned when the prisoner was released. The VC wereto beat or insult the POW's, and they wero to giro them theof food as waa given the VC soldiers. Thero was to be strictof tho policies; however, tho HVA units uphold them, but_themilitia and guerrillasfcj..
numerous violations of the rules. These reports of ill-troabaent by otherswere used to teach the men how to act properly towards POW's.
adreOW or instructed another man to beat orrisoner, oroldierOW and the cadre did not punish hin for the ill-treatment, the cadre was demoted for the first offense and transferred if heecond offense.oldier stoleOW or beat him, the first time ho was orlticizod ln front of the unit; for the second offense ho was sent to be re-educated. After two occurrences, tho man was transferredear Services unit and not allowed to be in combat. Tho offense was also noted in his records, and his case was publicized as an example for others.[
In onedOVN PCW because he had nots hands whan ordered. Thosubsequently criticised at company and battalion levelsentone-week re-education course at company level. The duration ofdepended on tho-sardouaness or the violation, but Ihe usual lengthat tho company, and wasy the political officer.caso,oldlor was not polite. prisoner auiabout having to care for him during evacuation from tho battlefield, was sent for similar
ARVN POW'swo-wook to three-month thought reform coursethey were released if lt was felt that they were convinced ofin following tlie GVN. If, during th3 re-eduoation, theyoscape, the process was begun again, until theibelieve ln the VC line of thinking. After that thoy were free toto go to OVN, or VC, controlled areas. However,other. Allied troops triad to oscapo, they wore sent tothought reform and interrogation)^
T*^H|. ami other POW's worn shot while escaping only if they did noTheed the warning of tha VC to stop.
Medical treatment on the battlefield for Alliedf bandaging,
injections ofo step the bleeding, penicillin injections
blood transfusions, if necessary. The blood plasma vas obtained from
medical organization of tho Military Roeion concerned: it vas purchased
insnd was of French origin. The
Vitamin ft and penicillin were also bought in Saigon and were of .French
origin. The process of ouying these mndical supplies tookoays,
and itifficult procedure due to the problems the traders had In
concealing the items while transporting them. As of7 Ktl IV had
a shortage of penicillin, vitamins and the othor more expensive druga;'
resorves woro low, bocause the items were difficult toedic of
the MR IV Political and Military Training School said that tho labels of
some drugs wero in English, and that these had been bought in Saigon and
supplied to the unit by MR IV headquarters.
Original document.
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