Created: 3/17/1976

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SUBJECT: Meeting with the President

val Office

PRESENT: President Ford Brent Scowcroft George Bush

We did not discuss the current intelligence items in the President's brief. The President raised two issues with me:

reporting on coups. This was in direct linead had. xplained to theno leaks had come from the coup, that in our coup reporting

in the Peru case we had wanted it on the streets since it was widelv known in Peru that therealance between time sensitive coups and others, and that we are coming up with recewmendations on this but that itudgment call. He asked for no action, simply said he wanted to raise the matter because of his talk with Nelson Rockefeller.

raised the question of the leaks corning out of thethe meeting of the aeronautical AIAA group. old him weit up,ccepted the responsibility; and that itbecauseertain sensitivity in terms of the Israelis,that information was factually correct. He asked aboutspace program beinghambles." old him thattrue, but that they had had some problems. ounseledif he were asked about this to simply say that he hadin, told me he was displeased about it,ad acceptedand that we would try to take stops to seehappened again on this. urther advised him that Ihadeport from the Inspector General.

aised with the President:

icturesof Soviet residence in New York (pictures provided

2. The tankews median Lebanon. ead to him from the cable on this.

I told him we are keeping my trip to Europe very quiet but that apparently reporter Schecter of Time had asked Brent wtiias goingWe're going to look carefully the trip.

Insked him if he was going to be there Satu because I'd like to get John Newcombe to come down and hit at the White House; he indicated that he would not be there.

George Bush

Original document.

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