Created: 12/20/1976

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

OUNTRY; Vietnam


SUBJECT: Sightings of Americans in Long Khanh Province and Sai"on

(uniocatcdj at lomctcr No.possibly Kilometer No. in former Govern-pent of Vietnam (GVN) Long Khanh {now part of Communist Dong Nai) Province said that the/ had seen an American male at that location in During the courseesistance croup composed of forme. Army of theof Vietnam (AKVN) personnel on the Communist Ci'dro in he inhabitants were assembled to hear speeches by BCDbcrs of the resistance group. At this time an Americanas an advisor appeared and told those gathered because heho Vietnamese people and sympathized with the cx-ARVN troops, h- was "staying to fight." The American was described as dre-.sed in black clothes, wearing map caoshecs. and fluent in Vietnanese. with the resistance croup after the latter distributed food and funds to the inhabitants- (BlMfcujfttcjX. The Chsei contacts didvehysical description or other details on this American. Dong Tarn Hamlet may beluster of hamlets on Routeboutilometers from Saigon. to3 from another (fjlJBJfJpjJI si^urce who obtained tho inform.)tionriend with relatives ir. Long Khanha Caucasian male who mi^ht be an American was seen in Dinh Quan District of Long Khanh Province in ThisCaucasian we4 described as unarmed, very miserableand living off food obtainedettlerew Economic Area in the province.)

tcP .round5 after the fall of HCnAmcric ere reported under detention by the Com-it IIIne American oaic who worked

w^described as big, tall, andrisonConsent: No other on these twoKl availa"c- Josstbly these and otherbelow may have beenmafterChungs

group ol lour Itraet in Saigon.

uppy-looking This "rouproup of five or six similarly appcarinE malesW in front of the former CVM National Assembly build-I" ?"o ^rcet in was able to identif thelatter group as Americans by thTir speech. Inblack American -ales on the "Y-n the

housing for themselves and their Vietnamese wives

A Vietnamese

io left Vietnam

that in6 BeTad seen an American male in down-Tho latteraucasian, aboutears old. [working in the USAID office ate Vanpnoi toprilS. ^rVmmmmmmOmmmmmmmTmV-amo man5 walking freely about in do-ntown SaiBon.


n s.

:rc aovint Conmcnt:

ttl'rl ii f. "apartment-hotel building opposite the GrAll Hospital on Cia Long These men were movinc arour.d freely without an escort.

'ccogni:ed these menriCintbyth^ir%?ec?u7

Original document.

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