Created: 10/15/1979

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OSSR: Additional Rurors of in Accident at tho Biological warfare Institute in Sverdlovsk ji*JT

PoporiaV aeeideit poraiat but add littla tohat actually happaed in Svordlovak.

A Soviet emigre reported chat three cloie friends on separate occasions during9 told him of an accidentiological warfare (BW) institute ln Sverdlovsk which resulted inoeaths. Other sources also have heard runors of such an accident. The specific nature of the accident isowever, and the alleged number of deaths has varied from. Local hearsay in the Soviet Union is known to


a quarantinehcwrrr^Itar^Tn Svurdlovsk in mid-April tends to supnort^the rumorsisease-related outbreak.

The allegation that numerous deaths resulted from an accident at on<iW institute in Sverdlovsk remains speculation and is only one possible explanation for thes* rumors. If exposureiological agent occurred, it Isthe agentast acting biologicalthe Soviets could notwith timely effective treatment. The probability ia low that the Soviets were workinguantity of highly lethal pathogens oxin) sufficient to causer more deaths without possessing either an effective vaccin- or antidote, oxin cannot be ruled out as the causative agent, two reports of the accidentisease that also affects cattle, and one source Identified the bacterial agent anthraxossible cause. Jmrr"

There;uspect BW installation in Sverdlovsk, but. It la not known if it is the site of the alleged accident. Despite the proliferation of the rumors of

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Original document.

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