Created: 1/21/1981

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nid 8:


The rational Coordinating Commission ofeterday voted to keep ths regime under strong pressure on the issue of vork-frse Saturday* but" have left seme room for oo^prarnee.%

By voting overwhelmingly to reaffirm ita position that all.Saturdays are work-free. Solidarity settage for another test of wills this Saturday, whichegime has designatedegular workday. The first such test came onanuary when some of Poland's majorndustrial centers were closed down although, according v o the government, aboutercent of workers reported . o their factories. esss*

: The meeting of the Commission was, as usual,contentious, as theeaders of thetried to thrashomon policy toward Although union leader Walesa probably spoke outa more conciliatory approach toward the regimefinally adopted, he will nevertheless carry out

Commisslon's mandate in upcoming negotiations. egTssk

The Solidarity leadership has reportedlyproposals on the work-free Saturday issuewill probably present to Deputy Prime Ministerduring their talks today. Theseup the fact that Solidarity disagrees not so

with tbe regis**'s proposals but that it believes

regime has not conducted serious negotiations withunion on thisegime spokesmen strongly -

thla accusation. emeaW

It is clsax/frcm'the 'Commission meeting yesterdaya large majority of Solidarity's leadershiphat it cannot win concessions from the regime or_even onduct negotiations with it wlttout wrtlngTheir suspicion of regime tacticsons will only be heightenedecent regime media campaign to sow disaffection between Solidarity and the population.

approved xor Release Date

If the talks with Jagielski do not show progress, regional chaptara of Solidarity will stage short warning strikes tomorrow in Gdansk, Bydgoszcz, andrudxlads on Friday, and in Marsaw onJ*aas>

The regime faces the prospect of more serious and' widespread strikes if this issue is not resolved by the next payday, at the end of the month. The regime has eclared it will dock the salaries.of .workers whoot show up for Saturdayove Solidarity would strongly resist. S

In other business discussed at the CommissionSolidarity declareday ofpeasant farmers and!indicated local chapterswarning strikes if they wished. It also calledregime"to redraft its economic reform program byFebruary,-calling the original versionnnd buruiiuui.il.lc.'

Polish Defense Spending -

Despite recentolishial implying the contrary, we estimate that spending for defense and polios forces will increase byercent this year compared Because the infla-tion rate might well exceed the rate of growth intures, real defense spending might not increase at

.The Soviets probably would havearger increase, but given the political and Militarytances in Poland today, the Kremlin has_ probablyaccepted this spending ,'evel.


Original document.

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