Created: 9/19/1981

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USSR-POLAND: Moscow's Warning

The Kremlin'* attack on growingin Polandfloat* it* damp aonaern that Vareati'* indeoieivenee* wi rm*ponding

to the upheaval in Poland threatone Soviet security interest* and

the adhesion of the Uareav Fact.

The Soviet warning to the Polish regime mayeen deliveredeaxly eaeptember, after the appeal by the Solidarity congreaa to Bast Europeant 'is'intended to stem the reported disarray within the Polish leadership, stiffen the resolve of those leaderstill inclined tovat^oMrojiie, and intimidate the Polish population, eaammmsnmaVsm*

Moscow's outline of its grievances,slls well shortall for an all-out assault by the regime on Solidarity. The version published by the So-leta condemns "counterrevolutionary" dissidentsnd the "extremist" leaders of Solidarity, but it distinguishes between the latter and Solidarity's rank and file. It Implicitly urges the regime to takection against the most outspoken elements, possibly

Including detention of dissident leaders, toolidarity's access to the media and public forums, and to prevent another appeal by the union to Soviet and Bast European workers. VJsamW

vThe absence of specific recommendations or threats suggasts that Moscow realises the regime's position is. weak and that there are limits to Warsaw's ability to set. nonetheless, the Soviet ver-'on of the message expresses "conviction" that the Polish regime will set without delay. Moscow clearly is signaling the Polish leaders that the breathing spell they have enjoyed since the party congress in July is over and that events in Poland are again approaching the limits of Soviet tolerance. SmmmV

More Government Rhetoric

After its all-day "emergency" session on Thursday, the Council of Ministers in Warsawommunique

approved Date


that was long on me tone out snore on lauon, ww-ernment sideill of charges very similar to thatby the party leadership on Wednesday, but its tone was as much pleading as demand] in. fBaBB>

The regime called on Solidarit. to repudiatewho are trying to eelse power, block economicand undermine Poland's alliances. The government only Indirectlyossible declarationtate of emergency, by revealing that it had "examined concrete measures" that "may turn out to be essential" in defending the state.


population iseightened senss of uncertainty, but not undue alarm, at the statements by the Politburo, Solidarity, and the Soviet Central Committee. One local Solidarity paper described the Soviet message asin Polish internal affairs and asked rhetorically whether the USSR understood the phrase "Workers of the world.hen it attacked the^union's appeal to East Buropean and Soviet workers, fffj^

Original document.

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