Created: 9/18/1981

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POLAND. Onion Under Pressure

egime oontinme to press tJm ur.ion to moderateeven though Solidarity's iniHa^eeponee to thewas relatively

Prime Minister Jaruxelski yesterday chaired an ell day "extraordinary" session of the Council of Ministers, which willommunique today. Warsaw also signaled to the country yesterday that it is under pressure frost the Soviets by announcing that the Soviet Ambassador had passed the contentsoviet party Central Committee message to Jaruzelskl and party leader Kania. According to the Polish news agency the statement expressed Moscow's concern that antl-Sovletism in Polandprecisely determined thrust" which has reached "dangerous limits."

ession of the Council of MinistersSat the leadership is still trying

its strategy. There axe rumors in Warsaw that the party Central Committee may meet this weekend.

the leadership had militancy at the first

not expected the strong show of

session of the union congress and early this week was baffled over how toepetition at the second session. Ssmmmmammmmmsmsamnsmmmme the leadership's only choice was to encourage union moderation by making some concessions but did not rule out the possibility that'the congress would be bannedand those who failed to comply would be arrested. mmmmmnmsmmmssmmW

in 'the 'lead-

ership have threatened to resign en masse if Solidarity does not temper. Its behavior at the second session. mrnVH

inshow of restraint. Solidarity's nationaldefended the union against charges that Itconfrontation, appealed for

union would not bend downplayed the pollti call? sensitive resolutions passed at the congress. Be

Approved for Release

did, however, aggressively reassert the union's insistence on iii reaching version of workeranagement, feasant

Daapits the heightened tensions, unionand government censors yesterday worked out coa-wording of the disputed articles planned forin the union weeklyt the paper was thenmilitant Warsaw chapter of Solidarity, nevertheless,the original articles in its locsl bulletin,not subject to censorship. This act of defiancea regime response.

While prompt Soviet publication of Wednesday'sby the Polish Politburo indicates approval ofof Solidarity, Soviet editing suggest*may believe Warsaw is still too inclinedrather than

TASS published most of the Polish statement but omitted its rsaffirmation of "socialist renewal"eferences to the acceptabilityelf-governing trade union. It also emitted those elements in the Politburo's appeal that suggested hesitation in directly challenging the union and implied that Moscow considers the situation li iic urgent than does Warsaw- fSamhv

Low Level of Military Activity .

Original document.

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