Created: 8/10/1981

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USSR-POLAND: Exercise Activity

The current Soviet military exarciee in the northwestern USSR

Approved for Release


More Labor Problems Expected

Soviet media over the weekend commented extensively on the Polish situation, with Pnxvda warning that the "political struggle- may not have reached itsost of the Soviet criticism was directed against "oxtrera ists" in Solidarity, who are accused of fomentingto weaken the authority of the Polish regime. tMMMM

Some of the commentaryow-keyto party leaders toirmer stand. Theof stronger criticism of the leadership may reflect in part, Soviet recognitionirect challenge to First Secretary Kania would divide the Polish party as it confronts the latest crisis. B

Several senior Solidarity officials,

commented that

in order to preserve the union'b credibility with itsillion members. Solidarity will have toough stand toward the regime during the coming months. They said this might involvemajor" strike,of short duration, to allow workers to let off scean.

The leadership of Solidarity does not believe that the government is prepared to adopt the far-reaching economic reforms that the union is seeking, but contends that Warsaw will have to come around to Solidarity's posi tion after things get "much, much worse."

Original document.

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