Created: 8/6/1981

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POLAND: Inconclusive Talks Likely

Li-ilc progress is likely -Hiring tne rojtffvption of folksbetvecn Solidarity and the regime, fW

Solidarity has raised numerous broad issues that would take considerable time to negotiate even if the regime were seriously Interested in reaching speedy compromises. The union believes, for example, that the government has made little effort to workrogram for getting Poland out of the crisis or for formulating an economic reform package. In addition, the union is unhappy about the regime's alleged unilateral rewriting of the new trade union law, the propaganda campaign aimed against Solidarity, and the union's lack of access to the media.

The regime appears ready tooughovernment spokesman yesterday rejected Solidarity's charges and said it was hard to find any "good will" in the union's declarations. WW

Regime negotiator Rakowski may not be able tomuch today because the party leadership willwant to discuss its plans for meeting Solidarity's challenge at the plenum of the Central Committee on Saturday. This plenum will be the first in which the new Centralthanercent ofhance to express its attitudes toward Solidarity, and it should give anof party leader Kania's ability to manipulate the Committee. WJ

The two-hour strike in the Warsaw area yesterday generally was successful and ended, as did the blockade in downtown Warsaw, without incident. nion spokesman told the strikers in the motorcade, however, that they 'will be back" if there is no progress in the talks. Wm


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