Created: 8/1/1981

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POLAND: Political Opportunities for Solidarity

7h?et the uorkere' economic demanda, and it uill teva to seek political help from Solidarity to contain the population's anger.

Since the government lacks credibility. Solidarity will have to play the major role in reducing tensions overpercent cut in meat rationa for this month and the extensive fear of now price increases, flf

Although the regime might rescind the ration cut, this would havearginal effect. It has already announced there is insufficient meat to fulfill ration commitments,

Only reassurance from Solidarity that thewill cooperate with the unions in resolving supply problems and that the union will monitor theactions can win time for the regime. Solidarity probably would have to redouble efforts to persuade the population that the government is not hiding supplies

The regime also will need to involve Solidarity early in the planning for economic reform. Many workers fear that proposed price increases will bear heaviest upon those who earn the least, and they will feel secure only if they know the union is attempting to protect their interests.

Solidarity is responding to rank and file's demands for action on the supply question, but is still allowing time for the government to demonstrate good will. The Warsaw chapter of Solidarity, for example, hastrike alert for the capital on Mondaywo-hour general strike for Wednesday. It has said that if its demands are not met, it will asknational leadership tohour national strike in the third week of this month,

Jagielski Peplaced

Deputy Prime Minister Jagielski, who resigned yesterday, had lost much of his influence and standing

Approved for AUG


when he was not reelected to theCentral Committee and Politburo. Although he Is Poland's senior economic expert, he probablyartial scapegoat for themess the country is in. Moscowhus lost another close contact in the regime- mW

Minister of Labor and Wages Obodowski replaces Jagielski. Obodowski got off on the wrong foot last fall with Solidarity when he became the focal point of the union protests overhour workweok issue,

Military Activity

ov^tforcesare continuing to conduct extensive fEmBmBmMmmmmmmmmmMmMmmm. exercises, is normal for this

or-Ion of__thelr training cycle, i

mB^EmmmMmmBmmmBmlarsaw Pact divisions In and around

the two Soviet divisions inH Vunusual activity

rations for invasion.

Original document.

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