Created: 7/16/1981

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


POLANDi Second Day of Congress

Both hardline and rsjorm-miirfed delegatee probably arebut for differentth {fCPifi-sXt deaieion to elect the Central Ccmritbee before the firet teoretary. MW

Many of the moderates would like the Centraltotronger institution capable of actingheck against the top party leadership. Electing it firstymbolic way of getting lt started in that direction. The hardliners favored delaying the election of the first secretary because they did not want Kania to beosition to dominajsf^and direct the course of the congress from the outset, mm

Kania's supporters may not have fought thestrenuously. They probably calculated that Kaniathe heavy favorite and did not want todelegates by prolonging the debate. began selecting nominees for the Centrallate yesterday and may notew party

Kania's chances of gaining reelection may be aided by some of the crude tactics of his hardline critics. They apparently were responsible for circulating aallegedly from ex-party bossthat Kania was partially responsible for the brutal suppression of the riots This accusation has never been levied against Kania before and, coming from the conservatives, will be seenransparent political maneuver,

The threat of major strikes during tho congressto be receding. Dockworkers on the-Baltic Coast have deferred their planned strike in response to govern-jsent agreement to resume discussion of their grievances.

Original document.

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