Created: 9/28/1982

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


EASTERN EUROPEi Possible Record Grain Harvest

Groin production2 in Eastern Europe is likely to total aboutillion tons, surpassing the record crop2 million tons8 andignificantover the poor harvest last year ofillion tons. Bumper crops in East Germany, Hungary, and Poland and an above-average harvest in Yugoslavia will offset pooroi showings in Romania, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia.

Commenti- This estimate reflects an increase ofillion tons from forecasts in August. The change was prompted in part by preliminary harvest results in East Germany end Romania, which proved somewhat better than anticipated. Other factors included excellent weather throughout the region that minimized seasonal losses for small grains, end ideal growing conditions in the southern countries, where the corn crop accounts for about one-third of East European grain production.

Original document.

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