Created: 5/4/1990

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Dangerous Dealings: Iraq, Crrald Bull, and Iht Spice Research Corporal ion

Iraq relics on iu own gmcrnmcnl otga ni/at ionselatively Urge network of companies lo procure ihe matct ials tnd technology il need* fo* developing uratr.'c weapon systems. This effort hai continued unahaicd despite aa increasing number ol ditelonurcs ia ihc pan year. Although seme of ihcsc duelosures have rcMiflcd in intercepted shipments ol materialsar ir Ut. in al least one case lhc outcome was mote dead!v l: Hull, an internationally renowned weapons engineer and arms dealer, was murdered in Brussels tn lale March shortly afict publication of reports on cooperation between his company and Iraq on missiles and in artiPcrv piece wiih strategic

lie* between Iraq and Bull'sch Corporation, that have been highbghtrd by Bull'* murder demonstrate some of the charactcinaiciof Baghdad's armi procurcmcat and development efforts. These characteristic*illingncu to experiment with weapons developmenl, de luminal ion to circumvent Western cipori controls, and involvement with foreign firms al levels tanging from wrviccs usually identified with thc company ialo often unrelated areas ol procurement

A Btg Gun for Baghdad?

Iraq's lung-held inlcresl in weapon systems capable of striking Tehran and Tel Aviv lends credence to press and other reports Ihai Bull waaong-range gun for Iraq be lore bit death. According lo press reports, Iraq tsoint US-Canadian project Iron lhcalled the High-Altitude Reseach Project (HARP)-ihai developed cnremcly long-range artillery and In which Bull played antole. In the pail lhe Iraqis haveillingness lo experiment by trying to develop various types ofas theniaacttcal bawsiie misiile or tbea> itineranthal arc cither technical complea or of qucsiionablc utility.

Iraq's Ministry of Industry and Military Industries apparentlycquiring material for the

The Belgian-based Space Research Corporation's connections to Iraq probably were used by Gerald Bull lo approach Baghdad in lhc past Iwo lo ihree yearsroposal lo revive the HARP "super-

In April. British CuMomshipmentfor long-rangefor Baghdad by the Space Research Corporationthat were suitable for use inun barrel of approximatelyeters. Greece and Turkey also intercepted pomble components for thc Urge gun in

The Canaan Caterer*

The Space Research Cr-rporation hai admit ed to being involved tn Some of Iraq's many artillery production projects. TV companyelping Baghdad devesop.itt own ISS-mm howitrer, called the

isplayed during then9 appeared to be based on the Austrianhich was based in turn on the Space Research Corporation's GG-45

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Project IUI..IM

Baghdad probably is vying to develop long-fang* artilleryackup io iu baUuiie miuilet and ait weapon Am cannot be intercepted by future liraeh muide defenses. Tht constntcaanmg-ntngt anUlery piece simitar lo theeasible, and Bull and Ine Space Research Corporation had access to ihe necessary Uchnologiet for the gun and us profcciilei.eapon mould have logiltKuiwfivir ill handling and positioning and technical problems miotixng barrelrate of fit, and ihe ttprj of projectile payloads il employed.arge, fued firingcorWueiedoaly manner euher underground or in difficuliouldiny largel fix Iraq's encmiei. Baghdad, howtyer, Hai indicated in iu pursuit of thu projecteliefs iheg ofystern outweigh la

Prefect Babylon almostased cm lhe concepts and lecknotaey developed from Bub'ion iht HART project and hii continued interest in long-range artillery The HARPpm/rct wai directed toward Ihe use of nunj rather Ihan rot tea for pulling taenlific payload- into ihe upper atmosphere ll was eventually abandoned by the US and Canadian Govenimtnit after both decided to focus on conventional rockets. The guns developed for iht program were capable of firing shelli over distances ofnd ihtoeetnaUyforeover according to the former chief of US Army Research andtsponubte for the inception of ihe protect iht HARP leiu demonstrated 0kUhtOs

believe ihe company may be involved in Iraqi pNJGCJ to produce self-propelled howttieia and advanced ordnance. Iraqonsortium of Kutopean companici aremmm versionself-propelled howitaer. called reipctlivcly lhc Majnoon and lhe Al FiwT

Press reports linked Built it thc development ofTamntiu ballisticrobably the missile version of Iraq's space launch vehicle, lhe Al Abid. Michael Bull. Gerald Butts son. has publicly Haled lhat the Space Rcacarch Corporation provided bati engineering assistance that 'may or may not have teenoluse" in Iraq't numk ptogram. Wc cannot confvni lhat Bull or the company arc involved with the Tammua miuile. butbelieve the firm is

: and rocket

Bull'i death, iht duto/uilnn of Iht Spate teirarth OrporaltOn. andi ugaaoni in Iht Untied Kingdom almoil certain If hartleanBabylon, Iraq, ftMVMM tcehtd loent of ihe neteitary run (omponentl firm iht United Aiijftfnm.peculatelhatsomt dtiign and technic*!hu been paittdfrom the Spore Research Corporation to Baghdad. Iraq Is tikttyttnui wuft tAf prolcct. but. unlets ii marts additional aitniancepofimJatiyWi* projectlleiBaghdad moy notah tlralepc potential.

ik Krr ,

We belies Iraq works with foreign companies oa many levels, beginning witb services usually identified with Ibe firm, bui movinghe procurement ol rawom pone all. or even n'odaaioa equipment. In the cue ofthe Space Research Ccporaiioo. the company admiu lo ha-vng ckrtc coaiacU and dcferuc-ickaied contracts wiih lljghdad. In addilionio supporting Iraqi

produce ail illr rv the company's involvement

apparently haiiom providing tonsuhrog irrvicesipuftcarl rule in Iraq'sI mm procurement nelwOfh.^

Thc Space Research Cotpomion is linked to Iraq's arms procurement network by itt astocialioa with lhc Technology and Development Qroua Ud of London, aceoedini to prcu reportfl| ^raflaJHriTnr Technologv and Development Group is jiiuSiSlryoflhe Baghdad-bated AI Arabi Trading Company, which has provided much of lhc financing for the group's acquisition of shares in Brilish-bascd companies and subsidiaries. Al Arabi. inrom for Ihe Technical Corps (or Special Projects office of Iraq's Ministry of Industry aad Miutary lidssJrxM. The Space Research Corporation blind to la* Ttchaoiogy sad Dcvrlopmen! Croup through their join ownership of Caoira technical Ccporalion of Belfast. After iu purchase by ihe two firms, Cartira

used iiformnew company, SRC Compositesqormer Lear Fin aircraft factoryanufacture advanced composite materials with missile applications Public disclosure of thc linkshc Technology and Development Group, thc Space Kcseareh Corpora:ion. and Iraq and fiaancial pnrf^rajojriuisuj forced lbc network lo sci lhc

Another posiiMe link between thc Space Research Corporation and Iraqi procurement efforts was lhc company's inquiries9 aboul purchasing filament winding machines. Ils inquiries occurred al apprminutely the same lime thai Iraq was placing requests for filament winding machines with other European companies- These machines have many appJkations but can be used to fabricate missile motor cases snd nose cones. The malio can be used lo wrap gun barrels with high chamber pressures-sech as might be eipected for Ihc Project Babylonpoclf of sophist ica led filament winding machines arc coveredechnology Conlrol |

Tbc Space Research Corporalio* apparently has operaied within lhc law in lhc majority of its dealings withnother characteristic of most companies in the Iraqi network, Canira, for example, was eligible to applyjsriclon for gcwernmeni development grams for lhe Lear Fan factory, although thc application was rejected following objections by Ihc Foreign Office. The Space Research

Space Research Corporation

In ihe aftermath of Ihe British CiisUmiis scitures. lhc family of Gerald Bull announced In mid-April lhal Ihe Space Research Corponilio'l and lis subsidiaries nw beingdlssohvd. tiling Bull's death and "securityefore this aciion, ihe Space Research' Cxuporalion titled ilsetf as an engineering onhiicciiirai and sun-eying firrn. ll was besi tnown for consultingm artillery development The company'sS-nunidely reeognited as one of lhe ben long-range artillery pieces in Ihe world. Gcald Bulls erpeniseon eaended-ionge ammunition also was itml by the company in developing in business, j

Gerald Bull's ions headed lhc j

ll was headouanccd in Bnnscls


and had branch offices in Geneva and Madrid and pottibrrin

Corporation's involvcmcni with Iraq on mote

" artillery syMcmi has been legal.

In its determination lo acquire .Iiliaterial, Iraq and its procurement network appv<ir more ihjn willinglociicumvenisot roll. The Spacu Research Corporation apparently prepared Ihe designs for the artillery components tci'cd by British Customs with the imcnl tu conceal ihcir iruc me. The designs for this malcrial pasaed inspection by sever al British regulatory bodies because ihey appeared consistent with standard oil processing pipe Wc beheve marry of the companies in Iraq's procurement network operate at the limits of legality andook far opportiHUliei to acquire and export controlled materials The Iraqis aho use the netwvek to obscure lhe final desimanon of material sometimes using lake end users as well |

Implicit! ndl

The increased scrutiny of lhc Space Research Corporal ion, lhe Technology and Development Group, and their associates ii unlikely to deter Baghdad from adding new businesses lo its web of companies Although cosily, new companies should provide Baghdad's procurement officers with mote opportunities lo acquire controlled materials through

A Strange Eulogj for Gerald Boll

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1 April lW>

Although Saddam't somewhat warped remarks fell shortroper eulogy, ii was not the fust time Gerald Bull's name had been used by others toolitical point. Bull's career lent itself to uie by others, and hit death points up another troubling aspect of covert arms procurtmenl invoking Iraq. WM

Geraldom in Canada but granted USihey an act ofasan engineering genius for his work with artillerybut he was alsoysterious,shady, businessman for his dealings wiihas South Africa, China, ond Iraq. Bullthe Universityof'Toronto'sI andageIn addition tothe HARP project,research andmissilesbut his most notablean extended-range artillery shell and thehowitzer.ull pleaded guilty andto six monthsS prison for :itwo ISS-mm gunnilleryand one radar tracking syslem to Soulh Africaof US export controls. Embittered bytenet. Bull left his home in Canada and livedoverseas following his rtltast. HeBrussels the Space Research Corporation -firm in Canada had gone bankrupt whileinurning it jntoegS

Before Saddam's attemptse Bull's namehetoricalexxhangtwith the West, the Soviets had foundteful element for disinformation. In0 Novosti-writien or -inspired story appearedigerian

newspaper that used the Space Research Corporation export of anillery systems and Bull's help in derclopirig the South African GSkomuceasmdisary aid'U> Soulh Africa.utTs lawyer* tried to suggest that she turn's sales to South Africa inrohtd the ClA faatowtng BuJTs death, some -men went quick lo accuse Briiam't MI6 and the CIA of killing Ute engineer lo pettni him from ruining tht USsting operation inwtvtng nuclear *xopon us for Iraq lhateek later.

; death is not iht onry example o1 violence directed ai recen: Iraqi procurement efforts Inlx car of Ekkthardt Sthrots. an executive of an Austrian firm involved in Iraq's Condor II missde pmpain. mas blewm up. According io press reports. Space Research Corporation offttaii ctatm that woe* Bull's death every er.ginter at the company has received death threats. Earlier examples of riottnee dmraed ai Iraqi prxrtrams include Our murderey Egyptian-bom scientist yykint on I'oq'l nuclear program in Panshicheries of incidents of sabotage and intimidation90 lhat went intended io slop or slow Iraq's j

The advtni of Iraq's ballistic m'mUt iriventorr its growing retaliatory capability, and the dispersion of

unlikelyirect attack such as Israel's strike in1 against Iraq's Osirak reactor will be repeated.esult, we believe covert actions aimed at slowing or stopping Iraq's progress may increase- Aitemptsill or frighten people involved In Iraq's Stralegic weapons programs by Iraq't enemies ajor pan of such covert activities. Ht believe Baghdad's pentpiicrs ihat its stralegic weapons progranis art vulnerable to continued covert activity and lis increasing confidence in ia Own military prowess may prompt retaliatory coverta new era of personal insecurity for armsossible legacy of Gerald BullS

Ties Between Iraq and iht Spate Kricarrfa Corporation

Ministry otladiaarr aad Miliary Udtutr

officials to track goods and to ascertain culpability or prove intent lo violate export laws. Addiiional layers of companies probably make it easier for the Iraqi Government to disassociate itself from the network.

Corps (or Special Frojoii

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mVsierxeaeittaltoo. false cod users, and smuggling. Additional companies also will provide multiple layer of businesses handlingsingle deal, increasing the paperwork and making it harder for enforcement

Eveo if the network refrains fiom caponing controlled material to Iraq, Baghdad may benefit Irom technological know how and skills developed through business ventures such as those with Space Research Corporation Another possible eharaeieristic ol the network may be. as in thc Leu fan factory case, ihc purchase of entire manufaciaring entities rather than equipment. Although the Dumber ol present and former Iraqi nationals involved in the network is undeiermined, Baghdad could use some of lhc network's component* with production elements lo train iaC'l.kJIed

Success in developing cxperimcnul weapons suchong-range artillery piece probably will encourage further Iraqi efforts wiih comr advanced systems We believe Iraq takes great pi id*eapons programs and sues them lo tout Iraqi power and prestige More important, the transfer of knowledge and dills from foreign companies during ihese development efforts almost certainly pr benefits to other areas of Iraq's arms industry

Original document.

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