Created: 4/8/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible



original and copy of thla nwiorejidun ar* aubsltted for roarand tbathcolk, and will require aoaa further thought aad rocoawanJatlooa froa too convmrnlng at least on* aspect of tb* banffllng of thla aattar with th* aavy.

Iery good conversationaftarnoon about this plan and told biniaaDor ofpoaaa la adnt ln bringing thato bla attention. In th* first place,anted to pot tb* Sary cn notice of the fact tbat In tbaof* the appearancetarr,fro* DOWSE, of certain beertll* aubaarin* nppeaxanee* orhie vaa aot to be taken and interpreted by tb* Hary at faoe tbIuc. Obvioesly ss did not vlah to be rasposstbl* for alaruaa and exenralone on the part of tha Hery. Bat la addition, vc vers aost anxloo* to hare th*and assistance of tb* Bevy in playing tola one "deed pan" aad aot sotting into aa investigation of th* kindscald tend to rip tb* cover off our carefully contrived package. old C that tb* probabl* timing of tb* eypeeranee of thla "etory" euuid ue net wonuhh of April,aid tbat as would probably wiah to be in tosen with C_ gain aoucarningdetail* of this operationavy angle. asto tb* proposedf th* plan,id not spall thla out; and also to the probable desirability of oor providing to C he kind ofor position vhlch va eould want nun to un with CIBCARJB and/or level Operation* ln Washington. Concerning tba latterrpl wined tod hat we

bad to flgnr* oatat which woald bav* tn* cTreer of Salsaral anzlaty and at tb*avoid wrpoatna; tha alsnlflcaae* of thla Better ina to blow tba operation.

appeared to be vary Interested in tb* planbis appreciation for oar baring brought tb* natter to Be aald tbat b* woald be glad to work with mm lnrefinement* of tba setter aa necessary, and Indicatedwould give thought to th* proper kind of ate tenant to be end*operational etenants of the Bary.


Original document.

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