Created: 6/4/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible




hief of Station,Chief, WHD SUBJECT; rogram

Bo teaGraham L. PAGE

Attached herewith are notes written by Graham L, PAGE.

/yrua E. Burnette

Attachment) One page of notes


54 GEP/egl








our letter, datedrompts as to line up onoe more my premises and conclusions. If you should detect any inconsistencies put that downituation in flux*

The recruitmentae effected under PBSuccess an spice a. Be has bo come reconciled to (uuiUOHUf1ut there are no indications of subservience. Hor has he waived his stipulation that CMXIIlgRTS be kept uninformed. L ealises that the underlying concept of PBSucoeasorkoable one sadt least at tho time of hishere existed no workeable alternative.

assetersonal following among ranting Army officers. Be is our amaapml ton offloar whoaccording- la folly committed to our oanso. Be is working co SXILAI. Be is itnrnlng over in his

i mind ways and means of defeatingegarding tha latter be has provided :usrame of reference that makes manse to me.

ave increasing doubts whether additional reoruliaen ts-oan be effected under PBSuccess axurpdoee.know for certain that in the oases of SMLLAI, Colonel fJ and Colonel *involvement of CALLIGStIS lu likely to stiff en their raaolve to protect the regime at all cost. They detestand hia enterprise to them holds connotationsforeignallingtrictly emotional reaction (see SMTTJI

this la where the inoonaistenoy comasaintainsoriorithe manifest threat of United States Intervention lsjffieftsplo lever

that might ooncaivably unbiago (hof thotha Arbena regime. Of course, they wouldn'towwot ofmarinao^eny more than to that of invading rwoluHonarioa. Batf^.tho certain pro ape ctnilaterala&Myb wouldfood'JSCOr thought, in an atmosphere ofto them am "Easy way out"ouldmako aneffect they would ba offered an opportcnity to stare off iurfcerventdensimple expedient of overthrowing tho regime and usurping power for themOf course, thoro would be soma weighty political strings attachedcountenancing thla shift, but nothing that oould possibly bo ecus trued asdecentuatemala's sovereignty.

Too of course realisen not advocating that we" scrap' PBSuccess or modify itsm diaeusslng defection techniques and approaches.rocess of'elieve to have isolated the one motivating factor that may lead to significant defections in the Army High Command. If thoseefections cone off, it may conceivably "provide the spark setting off. GAlilGEBI effort, because there will undoubtedlyeriod of turmoil duringf things osn happen. But the "crucial spark" has to be generated by heat -united States heat.

Speaking of "overtm most concerned that our. initial clarion cs which soared the dickens out of ARBEHZ and his gang may turn out to have been little more than amplified Bronxrust no coo up the lino is taking umbrage et my Alsopian outbursts. Without anything factual to goaneely bones what Is going on in "foggyet me tell you soma time with the radio tamed fullhink about good neighbor policy and hoBdopherloBut promise to tell only your closest friends.

inningJ down to factslow end arduous pro cos a. He isoan daring ana reminiscing mind. His interest In CALLIGERIS1 plans Is not un He hardly ever asks direct quostions.


Original document.

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