Ford Escape FWD, Ford Escape FWD FFV
Dealer address:
phone: 6050800
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD |
Ford LTD Crown Victoria |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
5.0L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $24,920 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1989 |
Combined fuel economy | 23 mpg |
18 mpg |
VIN | 1FMCU04709K |
2FABP73F3KX103890 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
48861 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Passenger Car |
Transaction date: Aug. 11, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: NORTH SHORE RECYCLING 2527 OAKTON ST EVANSTON IL 60202
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD |
Mercury Villager FWD Wagon |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
3.3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, 3.3N-F, Regular |
Price | $20,515 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
2000 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
18 mpg |
4M2XV11T7YDJ13005 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
117950 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 22, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: NORTH SHORE RECYCLING 2527 OAKTON EVANSTON, IL 60202
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD |
Ford Explorer 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
4L, 6 cyl, Automatic 5-spd, 4WD, 4.0S-4 SOHC, Regular |
Price | $25,920 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
2000 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
16 mpg |
VIN | 1FMCU04G19K |
1FMYU70E9YUB01615 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
105355 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 07, 2009
Disposal facility contact information: NOLRTH SHORE RECYCLING 2527 OAKTON EVANSTON, IL 60202
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD |
Chevrolet Blazer 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
4.3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular |
Price | $25,270 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
2000 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
16 mpg |
1GNDT13W4Y2270726 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
151765 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 22, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: NORTH SHORE RECYCLING 2527 OAKTON EVANSTON, IL 60202
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD |
Mercury Mountaineer 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
4.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 5-spd, 4WD, SOHC, Regular |
Price | $26,215 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1998 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
15 mpg |
VIN | 1FMCU93G69K |
4M2ZU54E7WUJ19741 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
145167 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 01, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: NORTH SHORE RECYCLING 2527 OAKTON ST EVANSTON, IL 60202
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD |
Ford Explorer 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Manual 5-spd, FWD, Regular |
4L, 6 cyl, Automatic 5-spd, RWD, 4.0E-R, Regular |
Price | $25,270 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
2000 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
16 mpg |
1FMYU60E8YUA10619 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
100000 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 22, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: NORTH SHORE RECYCLING 2527 OAKTON EVANSTON, IL 60202
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD |
Chevrolet G10/20 Van 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
5.0L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $24,465 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1995 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
14 mpg |
VIN | 1FMCU03G89K |
1GBEG25H5SF241018 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
100000 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 03, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: NORTH SHORE RECYCLING 2527 OAKTON ST EVANSTON, IL 60202
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD |
Ford E150 Club Wagon |
Drive train and engine | 3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
5.4L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $24,465 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1997 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
13 mpg |
VIN | 1FMCU03G09K |
1FMEE11L4VHB43947 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
100000 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 2 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 31, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: NORTH SHORE RECYCLING 2527 OAKTON ST EVANSTON, IL 60202
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD FFV |
Ford Explorer 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, FFV, Gasoline or E85 |
4.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $23,540 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1996 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
16 mpg |
1FMDU32X2TUA56743 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
182421 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 21, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: NORTH SHORE RECYCLING
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Ford Escape FWD FFV |
Ford Aerostar Van AWD |
Drive train and engine | 3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, FFV, Gasoline or E85 |
4.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $25,270 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1992 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
16 mpg |
1FMDA41X2NZA45621 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
189268 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 22, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: NORTH SHORE RECYCLING 2527 OAKTON EVANSTON, IL 60202
Sales type: PURCHASED