Baseball stats

Steve (Stefan Andrew) Karsay

Birthday: March 24, 1972 Flushing (New York) USA

Weight: 210 lb.
Height: 6' 3''
Debut: August 17, 1993
Final game: June 17, 2006
Bats: right
Throws: right

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Steve Karsay's salaries
Year Team League Salary
2005 New York Yankees AL $6000000
2004 New York Yankees AL $6000000
2003 New York Yankees AL $5000000
2002 New York Yankees AL $4000000
2001 Cleveland Indians AL $2700000
2000 Cleveland Indians AL $1200000
1999 Cleveland Indians AL $500000
1997 Oakland Athletics AL $160000
1995 Oakland Athletics AL $135000
1994 Oakland Athletics AL $119000
1993 Oakland Athletics AL $109000
Matches stats
Year Team Played
Batting Defense Pitching Catching 1B 2B 3B Shortstop Left
2006Oakland Athletics 9 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2005New York Yankees 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2005Texas Rangers 14 1 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2004New York Yankees 7 1 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2002New York Yankees 78 4 78 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2001Atlanta Braves 43 43 43 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2001Cleveland Indians 31 2 31 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2000Cleveland Indians 72 3 72 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1999Cleveland Indians 50 3 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1998Cleveland Indians 11 0 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1997Oakland Athletics 25 1 24 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1994Oakland Athletics 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1993Oakland Athletics 8 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Shortcuts descriptions

Steve Karsay's batting stats
Year League Team Games Games
2006ALOakland Athletics90
2005ALNew York Yankees60
2005ALTexas Rangers141000
2004ALNew York Yankees71000
2002ALNew York Yankees784011
2001ALCleveland Indians312000
2001NLAtlanta Braves4343021
2000ALCleveland Indians723010
1999ALCleveland Indians503000
1998ALCleveland Indians110
1997ALOakland Athletics251100
1994ALOakland Athletics40
1993ALOakland Athletics80

Shortcuts descriptions

Steve Karsay's pitching stats
2006ALOakland Athletics910000281364355.791014356
2005ALTexas Rangers14010004726132597.4701077814
2005ALNew York Yankees600000181040256.001002925
2004ALNew York Yankees70000020522240.2172.700102763
2002ALNew York Yankees786400122658732730653.2614423793833
2001ALCleveland Indians310100113029618441.2522016686
2001NLAtlanta Braves43340071344417417393.438111902121
2000ALCleveland Indians725900202307932525660.0003.764033294633
1999ALCleveland Indians501023012367126630680.0002.973523241329
1998ALCleveland Indians110210073311636135.92122111416
1997ALOakland Athletics243122400398166852047920.3005.77379609092
1994ALOakland Athletics4114108426818150.2302.5700111508
1993ALOakland Athletics8338001474922416330.2504.04112210023

Shortcuts descriptions

Steve Karsay's fielding stats
Year League Team Pos G GSIOPOAEDPZR
2006ALOakland AthleticsP90281000
2005ALNew York YankeesP60181000
2005ALTexas RangersP140471300
2004ALNew York YankeesP702011101
2002ALNew York YankeesP780265615011
2001ALCleveland IndiansP310130310011
2001NLAtlanta BravesP43013446101
2000ALCleveland IndiansP720230913101
1999ALCleveland IndiansP50323681031
1998ALCleveland IndiansP111733200
1997ALOakland AthleticsP242439871341
1994ALOakland AthleticsP44843400
1993ALOakland AthleticsP881472300

Steve Karsay's stats in 2006

Steve Karsay's stats in years 1993-2006



Stats shortcuts
ABAt BatsBatting
BAOppOpponent's Batting AveragePitching
BFPBatters faced by PitcherPitching
CGComplete GamesPitching
DPDouble PlaysFielding
EREarned RunsPitching
ERAEarned Run AveragePitching
GGamesBatting, Fielding , Pitching
GFGames FinishedPitching
GSGames StartedFielding, Pitching
HHitsBatting, Pitching
HBPHit by pitchBatting, Pitching
HRHomerunsBatting, Pitching
IBBIntentional walksBatting, Pitching
IPOutsOuts Pitched (innings pitched x 3)Pitching
RRuns AllowedPitching
SOStrikeoutsBatting, Pitching
WHIPWalks and Hits per Inning PitchedPitching
WPWild PitchesFielding, Pitching
ZRZone RatingFielding

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