Baseball stats

Damaso (Damaso Domingo (Sanchez)) Garcia

Birthday: February 07, 1955 Moca D.R.

Weight: 170 lb.
Height: 6' 0''
Debut: June 24, 1978
Final game: September 12, 1989
Bats: right
Throws: right

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Damaso Garcia's salaries
Year Team League Salary
1990 New York Yankees AL $500000
1989 Montreal Expos NL $200000
1988 Atlanta Braves NL $691507
1987 Atlanta Braves NL $646726
1986 Toronto Blue Jays AL $790000
1985 Toronto Blue Jays AL $740000
Damaso Garcia's Awards
Year Award League Extras
1982Silver Slugger AL 2B
Matches stats
Year Team Played
Batting Defense Pitching Catching 1B 2B 3B Shortstop Left
1989Montreal Expos 80 80 63 0 0 0 62 1 0 0 0 0
1988Atlanta Braves 21 21 13 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0
1986Toronto Blue Jays 122 122 106 0 0 1 106 0 0 0 0 0
1985Toronto Blue Jays 146 146 143 0 0 0 143 0 0 0 0 0
1984Toronto Blue Jays 152 152 149 0 0 0 149 0 0 0 0 0
1983Toronto Blue Jays 131 131 130 0 0 0 130 0 0 0 0 0
1982Toronto Blue Jays 147 147 141 0 0 0 141 0 0 0 0 0
1981Toronto Blue Jays 64 64 62 0 0 0 62 0 0 0 0 0
1980Toronto Blue Jays 140 140 138 0 0 0 138 0 0 0 0 0
1979New York Yankees 11 11 11 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0
1978New York Yankees 18 18 18 0 0 0 16 0 3 0 0 0

Shortcuts descriptions

Damaso Garcia's batting stats
Year League Team Games Games
1989NLMontreal Expos808026203559131854152010136
1988NLAtlanta Braves2121360710141031000104
1986ALToronto Blue Jays12212257424119220646961332042314
1985ALToronto Blue Jays1461467060016925486528151541245313
1984ALToronto Blue Jays152152796331803255464612164619346
1983ALToronto Blue Jays131131845251612363383117243432559
1982ALToronto Blue Jays147147895971853235425420214415517
1981ALToronto Blue Jays646424250638111313393210316
1980ALToronto Blue Jays1401405054315130744613131255234314
1979ALNew York Yankees1111338101004200200001
1978ALNew York Yankees181854180001102600011

Shortcuts descriptions

Damaso Garcia's fielding stats
Year League Team Pos G GSIOPOAEDP
1989NLMontreal Expos2B6246122286157725
1989NLMontreal Expos3B1060000
1988NLAtlanta Braves2B1312342263515
1986ALToronto Blue JaysDH11
1986ALToronto Blue Jays2B1061032657224286866
1986ALToronto Blue Jays1B1031000
1985ALToronto Blue Jays2B14314235083023711388
1984ALToronto Blue JaysDH1
1984ALToronto Blue Jays2B14914637932674271495
1983ALToronto Blue Jays2B13012532862663601275
1982ALToronto Blue JaysDH4
1982ALToronto Blue Jays2B14114036572734611594
1981ALToronto Blue JaysDH1
1981ALToronto Blue Jays2B62621684132181932
1980ALToronto Blue Jays2B138133361931647116112
1980ALToronto Blue JaysDH1
1979ALNew York YankeesSS10925292844
1979ALNew York Yankees3B1070000
1978ALNew York YankeesSS30120010
1978ALNew York Yankees2B16143393635310

Damaso Garcia's stats in 1989

Stats shortcuts
ABAt BatsBatting
BABatting AverageBatting
BBBase on BallsBatting
CSCaught StealingBatting, Fielding
DPDouble PlaysFielding
GGamesBatting, Fielding
GIDPGrounded into double playsBatting
GSGames StartedFielding
HBPHit by pitchBatting
HRRHomeruns RatioBatting
IBBIntentional walksBatting
ISOIsolated PowerBatting
OBPOn Base PercentageBatting
OPSOn Base plus SluggingBatting
RBIRuns Batted InBatting
SBStolen BasesBatting
SFSacrifice fliesBatting
SHSacrifice hitsBatting
SLGSlugging AverageBatting
TBPTotal Base PercentageBatting

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