Baseball stats

Billy (Alfred Manuel) Martin

Birthday: May 16, 1928 Berkeley (California) USA

Day of death: December 25, 1989 Johnson City (New York) USA

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Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
1988New York Yankees AL 68 40 28
1985New York Yankees AL 145 91 54
1983New York Yankees AL 162 91 71
1982Oakland Athletics AL 162 68 94
1981Oakland Athletics AL 109 64 45
1980Oakland Athletics AL 162 83 79
1979New York Yankees AL 95 55 40
1978New York Yankees AL 94 52 42
1977New York Yankees AL 162 100 62
1976New York Yankees AL 159 97 62
1975New York Yankees AL 56 30 26
1975Texas Rangers AL 95 44 51
1974Texas Rangers AL 161 84 76
1973Detroit Tigers AL 134 71 63
1973Texas Rangers AL 23 9 14
1972Detroit Tigers AL 156 86 70
1971Detroit Tigers AL 162 91 71
1969Minnesota Twins AL 162 97 65