Jealousy (See also Envy.) Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Jealousy (See also Envy.)

  1. adder’s tongue flower symbolizes jealousy. [Western Folklore: Jobes, 31]
  2. Anastasia and Orizella Cinderella’s two step-sisters; jealous of her beauty, they treat her miserably. [Fr. Fairy Tale: Cinderella]
  3. Arnolphe representative of jealous middle age. [Fr. Lit.: L’Ecole des Femmes]
  4. Bartolo, Dr. jealous and suspicious tutor. [Fr. Lit.: Barber of Seville]
  5. Calchas dies from grief on encountering even wiser soothsayer. [Gk. Myth.: LLEI, I: 325]
  6. Callirrhoë demands of husband former wife’s necklace and robe. [Gk. Legend: NCE, 55]
  7. Cephalus and Procris young married couple plagued by jealousy. [Gk. Myth.: Hall, 62]
  8. coat of many colors Jacob’s gift to Joseph; object of jealousy. [O.T.: Genesis 37:3]
  9. Deianira kills husband Hercules for suspected affair with Iole. [Gk. Myth.: Leach, 303]
  10. Dionyza jealously plots Marina’s murder. [Br. Lit.: Pericles]
  11. Donald Duck frustrated character jealous of Mickey Mouse. [Comics: Horn, 216–217]
  12. Ferrando of Manrico’s influence on Leonora. [Ital. Opera: Verdi, The Troubadour, Westerman, 302]
  13. Golaud jealousy leads to the murder of his brother, Pelléas. [Fr. Opera: Debussy, Pelléas and Mélisande, Westerman, 196]
  14. green-eyed monster epithet. [Br. Lit.: Othello]
  15. Kitelys man and wife each laughably suspicious of the other’s fidelity. [Br. Lit.: Every Man in His Humour]
  16. Leontes of wife and Polixenes. [Br. Lit.: The Winter’s Tale]
  17. Malbecco seeing his wife living among satyrs, he is so mad with jealosy that he casts himself from a cliff. [Br. Lit.: Spenser The Faerie Queene; Brewer Dictionary, 336]
  18. Medea sends husband Jason’s new bride poisoned cloak. [Gk. Lit.: Medea; Fr. Lit.: Médée]
  19. Oberon King of Fairies; jealous of wife’s attachments. [Br. Lit.: A Midsummer Night’s Dream]
  20. Othello smothers Desdemona out of jealousy. [Br. Lit.: Othello]
  21. Polyphemus crushes lover’s lover. [Rom. Lit.: Metamorphoses]
  22. Pozdnishef, Vasyla murders wife in fit of insane resentment. [Russ. Lit.: The Kreutzer Sonata, Magill I, 481–483]
  23. Shabata, Frank mistrusted everyone who showed kindness to wife, Marie. [Am. Lit.: 0 Pioneers!, Magill I, 663–665]
  24. wild ass signifies jealousy. [Animal Symbolism: Jobes, 142]
  25. yellow color symbolizing jealousy. [Western Folklore: Jobes, 1704]
  26. yellow rose indicates jealousy. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 177]

Jesters (See CLOWNS.)