Determination (See also Perseverance.) Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Determination (See also Perseverance.)

  1. Agathocles (361–289 B. C.) Syracusan king; “burned his ships behind him” in attacking Carthage. [Gk. Hist.: Walsh Classical, 9]
  2. Balboa, Rocky determined prize fighter takes on impossible dream. [Am. Cinema: Rocky in EB (1978), 552]
  3. bulldog bred for doggedly refusing to let go. [Dog Breeding: Misc.]
  4. Dry Guillotine book by French escapee from Devil’s Island. [Fr. Lit.: Dry Guillotine]
  5. Ignatz tenaciously refuses Krazy Kat’s advances. [Comics: “Krazy Kat” in Horn, 436–437]
  6. Jones, John Paul (1747–1792) Revolutionary War naval hero; remembered for saying; “I have not yet begun to fight!” [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 260–261]
  7. Keller, Helen (1880–1968) though blind and deaf, becomes noted author and lecturer. [Am. Hist.: Hart, 439–440]
  8. Little Engine That Could succeeds when others refuse to help. [Children’s Lit.: The Little Engine That Could]
  9. Message to Garcia, A against great odds, American officer makes his way to Cuban general leading a revolt against Spain. [Am. Lit. and Hist.: Benét, 662]
  10. Papillon wily prisoner endeavors repeatedly to escape from Devil’s Island. [Fr. Lit.: Papillon]
  11. Santiago struggles long and hard for great fish. [Am. Lit.: Old Man and the Sea]
  12. tortoise slow and steady, it wins the race against the hare. [Animal Symbolism: Mercatante, 22; Gk. Lit.: Aesop, “The Tortoise and the Hare”]
  13. Tovesky, Marie outgoing and friendly, despite husband’s insane jealousy. [Am. Lit.: O Pioneers!, Magill I, 663–665]