Biography and Autobiography Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Biography and Autobiography

  1. Boswell, James (1740–1793) Scottish author and devoted biographer of Samuel Johnson. [Br. Hist.: NCE, 341]
  2. Cellini, Benvenuto (1500–1571) Italian sculptor and author of important autobiography. [Ital. Lit.: NCE, 488]
  3. Confessions Rousseau (1712–1778) reveals details of an erratic and rebellious life. [Fr.Lit.: Benét, 218]
  4. Confessions of St. Augustine, The St. Augustine tells of his life and conversion. [Christian Hagiog.: Hayden & Fuller, 153]
  5. Driffield, Edward novelist whose life story is examined by Kear and Ashenden. [Br. Lit.: Maugham Cakes and Ale in Magill I, 99]
  6. Education of Henry Adams, The intellectual autobiography traces the thought processes and moral degeneration of modern man. [Am. Lit.: The Education of Henry Adams; Magill I, 238]
  7. Franklin, Benjamin (1706–1790) American statesman; author of famous autobiography. [Am. Lit.: NCE, 1000]
  8. Lives of the Caesars biographies by Suetonius of the first twelve Roman Emperors. [Rom. Hist.: Benét, 973]
  9. Memoirs of George Sherston, The fictional autobiography of a poet as country gentleman, soldier, and pacifist. [Br. Lit.: Magill I, 575, 579]
  10. Pepys, Samuel (1633–1703) English public official; author of diary. [Br. Lit.: NCE, 2103]
  11. Plutarch (c. 46–c. 120) Greek biographer known for his Lives, a collection of biographies of Greek and Roman leaders. [Gk. Lit.: NCE, 2170]
  12. Toklas, Alice B. fictive author of an autobiography by Gertrude Stein. [Am. Lit.: Stein The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas in Benét, 66]
  13. Venerable Bede (c. 673–735) Benedictine monk; wrote memorable biographies of English saints. [Br. Hist.: NCE, 257]