Alcoholism (See also Drunkenness.) Allusions, Definition, Citation, Reference, Information - Allusion to Alcoholism (See also Drunkenness.)

  1. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) society of ex-alcoholics who help alcoholics to stop drinking. [Am. Hist.: Flexner, 356]
  2. Bowery, the area in New York City known for its destitute and drunken population. [Am. Culture: Misc.]
  3. Brick dipsomaniac; drinks until he feels a “click.” [Am. Lit.: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof]
  4. Emery, Stan drinking as only means to adjust to world. [Am. Lit.: The Manhattan Transfer]
  5. English, Julian aristocratic drunkard mistreats his beloved wife, quarrels with everyone, and kills himself after a drunken bout. [Am. Lit.: Appointment in Samarra]
  6. Flyte, Sebastian drinks to escape from his family, most of whom he detests. [Br. Lit.: Evelyn Waugh Brideshead Revisited in Magill I, 83]
  7. Iceman Cometh, The portrayal of Harry Hope’s rundown saloon which harbors alcoholics. [Am. Lit.: The Iceman Cometh]
  8. L’Assommoir study of the demoralizing effects of alcohol. [Fr. Lit.: L’Assommoir]
  9. Lost Weekend, The study of Don Birnam, an unsuccessful writer who drinks too much. [Am. Lit.: The Lost Weekend, Magill I, 531–532]
  10. Prohibition resurgence of American puritanism (1920–1933). [Am. Hist.: Allen, 14–15]
  11. skid row a run-down area frequented by alcoholics. [Am. Culture: Misc.]

Allurement (See TEMPTATION.)