As the years go by

Your skin is constantly changing and rejuvenating. At different stages of life there are new and different ways to take care of your skin, depending on your age.


Nothing compared to the smoothness and softness of babies’ skin. It's very vulnerable to the outside world, making it necessary to take special care.


  1. • Use soaps and shampoos specially formulated for babies.
  2. • For dry or sensitive skin, use a neutral, fragrance free soap or a substitute recommended by your doctor.
  3. • Avoid sun exposure.


As kids grow, their skin becomes stronger and more resistant to the environment. However, as little ones become more and more active, there's another risk, that a simple cut or scratch can become infected. The skin acts as a barrier against infections, bacteria and viruses. With children, hygiene is all important. All cuts and wounds should be carefully cleaned with an antiseptic and then kept clean and dry. If you notice any sign of infection, it's important that you visit your doctor immediately (if the wound doesn't heal, if the area becomes red or if pain continues after one or two days.)



During puberty hormones go into overdrive, causing the skin to overproduce sebum. A pimple starts when the pores of the skin become clogged with this oil, which lubricates the skin and hair. Because many oil-producing glands are on the forehead, nose, and chin, this area –the T-zone– is where a person is most prone to pimples. Here are some tips for taking care of the skin during adolescence:

  1. • Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap.
  2. • Use deodorant and wash your hair frequently, with a shampoo for daily use.
  3. • Keep a balanced diet.
  4. • Exercise regularly.
  5. • Don't pop pimples.
  6. • Apply creams specially formulated for acne.


When you turn 35 your skin begins to show the first signs of aging. Here are some useful tips:


  1. • Use a high-quality moisturizer, morning and night.
  2. • Use a cream or gel specially formulated for the eyes, because the skin around the eyes is very delicate and is the first place to show signs of aging.
  3. • If your skin looks dull or flaky, use an exfoliant to remove dead cells.
  4. • Don't over expose the skin to the sun; always use sunblock when outdoors.


After menopause, the production of estrogen drops abruptly, producing a number of changes in the skin of women. In both men and women who have passed 50, sebum glands release oils less and the skin becomes dryer and more fragile. The dermis loses elasticity, the elastic network breaks down causing wrinkles and fine lines to show. Damage caused by sun exposure begins to show, causing changes in pigmentation, spots and rough textures. It's best during this stage to:

  1. • Use a cleansing lotion or cream (not soap) to help reduce the loss of moisture.
  2. • Always apply sunblock before going outdoors. Don't sunbathe and use a hat.

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