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world. Neither Israel nor the new Iraq will be safer if worldwide Islamist ter-
rorism grows stronger.
The United States must do more to communicate its message. Reflecting
on Bin Ladin's success in reaching Muslim audiences, Richard Holbrooke won-
dered, "How can a man in a cave outcommunicate the world's leading com-
munications society?" Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage worried to
us that Americans have been "exporting our fears and our anger," not our vision
of opportunity and hope.
Recommendation: Just as we did in the Cold War, we need to defend
our ideals abroad vigorously. America does stand up for its values.
The United States defended, and still defends, Muslims against
tyrants and criminals in Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and
Iraq. If the United States does not act aggressively to define itself in
the Islamic world, the extremists will gladly do the job for us.
· Recognizing that Arab and Muslim audiences rely on satellite
television and radio, the government has begun some prom-
ising initiatives in television and radio broadcasting to the
Arab world, Iran, and Afghanistan.These efforts are beginning
to reach large audiences. The Broadcasting Board of Gover-
nors has asked for much larger resources. It should get them.
· The United States should rebuild the scholarship, exchange,
and library programs that reach out to young people and
offer them knowledge and hope.Where such assistance is pro-
vided, it should be identified as coming from the citizens of
the United States.
An Agenda of Opportunity
The United States and its friends can stress educational and economic oppor-
tunity.The United Nations has rightly equated "literacy as freedom."
· The international community is moving toward setting a concrete
goal--to cut the Middle East region's illiteracy rate in half by 2010,
targeting women and girls and supporting programs for adult literacy.
· Unglamorous help is needed to support the basics, such as textbooks
that translate more of the world's knowledge into local languages and
libraries to house such materials. Education about the outside world,
or other cultures, is weak.
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