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MailMan WWW email interface v2.0 FAQ
Section - 6.2) How would I use MailMan in conjunction with a

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Top Document: MailMan WWW email interface v2.0 FAQ
Previous Document: 6.1) Operation
Next Document: 6.3) Wouldn't IMAP be very well-suited to this type
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We wish that there were other sources that we could
reference that could explain the basics of using several
different mailers at once.  Unfortunately we don't know of
any.  If you know of any good write-ups with suggestions for
novice users on this subject please let us know.

The key issue involved is configuring your mailer to leave
its messages on the internet mail server after it has
downloaded them.  If you receive a message from your boss on
your computer at work and you decide that you would really
rather go home and reply to the message after dinner, you
can't do that if your mailer at work deletes the message
from the server after it checks the message.  If you set
your mailer at work to not delete the message from the
server, when you get home and check your mail, the message
will still be there waiting for you to reply to it.  Using
MailMan in conjunction with other mailers is no different.
All that you need to do is configure all of your mailers to
leave messages on the mail server by default, and perhaps
select one mailer as your 'official' mailer that is allowed
to delete your messages.  Most quality mail clients have
options to leave messages on the server but delete them
after a set number of days have passed.  This option is
extremely helpful when using many different mail clients to
access the same mailbox.

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Top Document: MailMan WWW email interface v2.0 FAQ
Previous Document: 6.1) Operation
Next Document: 6.3) Wouldn't IMAP be very well-suited to this type

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM