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MailMan WWW email interface v2.0 FAQ
Section - 4.4) What constitutes a single “installation” of

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A single installation of MailMan is defined as both a unique
URL and server that is used to access the MailMan
application.  Most MailMan installations will require
exactly one server and exactly one URL.  For instance,
Endymion Corporation maintains only one installation of
MailMan, on a single server that handles our entire
corporate web site, with a single URL,
gi>.  If your MailMan installation will be supported by more
than one server, all with the same URL, each server must be
licensed.  In a more likely scenario, if you operate several
virtual domains from the same server and each virtual domain
makes use of a MailMan installation, each different URL that
MailMan is known by must be licensed.  Having several
different virtual domains all access a single installation
of MailMan by the same URL on the same server technically
only requires one license according to our definitions, but
we are a small company and that’s not a very nice thing to
do to us.  Please consider doing the right thing and
licensing each installation.

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Top Document: MailMan WWW email interface v2.0 FAQ
Previous Document: 4.3) Why would you want people reading your source
Next Document: 4.5) Why are you picking on Scientology?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM