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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about CGI Programming
Section - 3.20 How can I stop my CGI script reading and writing files as "nobody"?

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Top Document: FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about CGI Programming
Previous Document: 3.19 How can I avoid users hitting "submit" twice?
Next Document: 3.21 How can I prevent my CGI results being cached by the browser?
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CGI scripts are run by the HTTPD, and therefore by the UID of the HTTPD
process, which is (by convention) usually a special user "nobody".

There are two basic ways to run a script under your own userid:
(1) The direct approach: use a setuid program.
(2) The double-server approach: have your CGI script communicate
    with a second process (e.g. a daemon) running under your userid,
    which is responsible for the actual file management.

The direct approach is usually faster, but the client-server architecture
may help with other problems, such as maintaining integrity of a database.

When running a compiled CGI program (e.g. C, C++), you can make it
setuid by simply setting the setuid bit:
e.g. "chmod 4755 myprog.cgi"

For security reasons, this is not possible with scripting languages
(eg Perl, Tcl, shell).   A workaround is to run them from a setuid
program, such as cgiwrap.

In most cases where you'd want to use the client-server approach,
the server is a finished product (such as an SQL server) with its
own CGI interface.
A lightweight alternative to this is Don Libes' "expect" package.

Note that any program running under your userid has access to all your
files, and could do serious damage if hacked.   Take care!

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Top Document: FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about CGI Programming
Previous Document: 3.19 How can I avoid users hitting "submit" twice?
Next Document: 3.21 How can I prevent my CGI results being cached by the browser?

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Nick Kew <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM