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Win95 FAQ Part 8 of 14: Dial-up Networking
Section - 8.5. How do I get dial-up networking to work with other stuff besides The Internet?

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   The one really cool feature that allowed Win95 to devastate OS/2 Warp
   Connect; general dial-up networking. MS included a Shiva-written
   PPP/RAS dial-up stack that works with pretty much any transport
   protocol, though there's only direct support for NetBEUI, IPX, and
   TCP/IP. Clients can bind to these protocols to work over a dial-up
   connection provided they support NDIS 3.1 PnP (So it can unload when
   you disconnect, for example).
   Install Dial-up Networking in Add/Remove Programs/Windows Setup. Then
   re-boot. A Dial-up Networking folder appears in "My Computer". You
   will also find a Dial-up Adapter in your Network control panel; you
   will have to add protocols for this adapter as needed.
   If you're connecting to a Win95, Windows NT, or WFWG dial-up server,
   you can make a connection right from the "Make new connection" wizard.
   This will also work if you're connecting to a NetWare network through
   a Win95 or Windows NT dial-up server. If you log into an NT domain
   this way, you need "Log on to network" turned on, otherwise you can
   leave it turned off to save some time. Old WFWG or NT 3.1 dial-up
   servers only work with the RAS server type; NT 3.5 and Win95 servers
   work with the PPP server type.
   If you're connecting to a NetWare network using NetWare Connect (NRN),
   Install IPX/SPX Protocol, bring up properties for your connection, and
   change the Server Type to NRN: NetWare Connect. This disables all
   other protocols but IPX over that connection. You will need "Log on to
   network" turned on; this will have Win95 search for a NetWare server
   (Or the preferred server) and bring up the NetWare log in requester.
   NOTE: You can also use PPP to connect to a NetWare server remotely, if
   your NetWare network has a Windows NT or Win95 dial-up server
   running. This is a less expensive option than Novell's NetWare Connect

     * 8.5.1. How do I connect two Win95 computers together with dial-up
   You can start by reading the beginning of FAQ page 7. This covers
   setting up two Win95 machines so they talk to each other. The only
   real difference is you use the Dial-up Adapter instead of a regular
   net card to connect the machines together with. To add the dial-up
   adapter, run Add/Remove Programs/Windows Setup, double-click on
   Communications, and turn on Dial-up Networking.
   Next, install MS Plus or DUN 1.3 on the machine that will answer
   the phone, and include Dial-up Server in the list of components. In
   FPS for MS networks properties, set this machine's Browse Master
   setting to "Enabled" instead of "Automatic". Once you finish this,
   turn on the dial-up server in Dial-up networking options. Specify a
   password if you want. Note that, if you use other Win95 apps to send
   faxes or to dial-out to other locations, you can leave the dial-up
   server turned on! Yes you can!
   Finally, on the machine dialing in, set its Browse Master preferences
   to "Disabled". Create a connection that uses only NetBEUI (This is the
   fastest protocol for slow links), meaning turn IPX and TCP/IP OFF in
   Server Type. Then try dialing the machine with the dial-up server
   running. Use the username and password you specified on the server.
   Once you connect, you should be able to browse the other machine.

     * How do I connect two Win95 computers together with Direct
       Cable Connection?
   Direct Cable Connection is basically Dial-up Networking without
   modems. This is why you need to install DUN at the same time as DCC.
   DCC lets you connect two Win95 computers together with the same kind
   of cables you would use for LapLink or Interlink, but once connected
   you treat the two systems as though you connected them through DUN
   (Meaning you need a common client, service, and protocol).
   First, install DCC from Add/Remove Programs / Windows Setup. Bring up
   Communications details and add DCC. If you haven't already installed
   Dial-up Networking it will offer to do so. After it loads the needed
   components, and before you restart the computer, open the Network
   control panel and install the same components you would use to hook
   two Win95 machines together. These should be:
     * Client for MS Networks
     * Dial-up Adapter
     * NetBEUI
     * File & Print Sharing for MS Networks
   If you have other components, like TCP/IP, they should coexist nicely.
   Now restart the computer. Do the same thing to the other machine.
   Now, connect the two machines together using a Null Modem Cable (if
   you use a serial port) or a LapLink cable (if you use a printer port).
   One sample pinout for a parallel cable lives at The big
   advantage of parallel over serial null modem cables is you can
   transmit information four bits at a time instead of one, and it's
   supposedly four times as fast (115 200 bps * 4 = 460 800 bps, just
   under half the speed of Ethernet).
   Establish the connection by launching DCC (Start / Programs /
   Accessories / Drect Cable Connection) and telling each machine wether
   it's the host or the client. Start the host first, then the client.
   Once done, the client will bring up any network shares that the host
   has. Of course you should make some network shares on the host before
   connecting. You can use any devices available on the host, including
   printers (provided you have another printer port for the printer, that
   is), just like you could if these machines used a network cable.
   One side effect of using DCC is you will see some new "modem" devices
   in Device Manager (Parallel cable on LPT1 for example). If you remove
   these, DCC will re-create them when you launch it again.
   NOTE: Supposedly, you can use other protocols besides NetBEUI over
   DCC. While IPX games might be possible over DCC, I haven't tried, and
   I'm suspicious of the speed of IPX over even a parallel cable. It is
   also very unlikely that IPX routing would work over DCC as well. I
   would like feedback on DCC experiments and results.

     * 8.5.2. I'm using DUN to connect to a NetWare server and my IPX
       address keeps changing! 
   The Dial-up Adapter generates a "fake" MAC address (a 48-bit number
   representing an Ethernet address) so that protocols designed for
   Ethernet will work on it, such as IPX. It will generate a random
   number for the MAC address each time you dial in. This happens
   REGARDLESS of what protocol you dial in with.
   IPX addresses look like this: NNNN-AAAAAAAA where "NNNN" is a Network
   Number and "AAAAAAAA" is the adapter's MAC address. Typically, a
   dial-up server (like NT RAS) can assign a network number for this
   two-station "network", but the MAC address comes from the client. It's
   up to the dial-up server to route to this new network number. However,
   programs that depend on the MAC address being fixed (such as remote
   backup agents) won't work. I haven't found a practical reason to use a
   fixed address on a dial-up line, and as such I don't have a solution.

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Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
My name is Abdul Alim Talukder
City. Belkuchi
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Top Document: Win95 FAQ Part 8 of 14: Dial-up Networking
Previous Document: 8.4. Using Trumpet (TM) and other TCP/IP stacks (Just don't!)
Next Document: 8.6. How do I set up auto-dial when I run my Winsock program?

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